I pretend I’m deaf when my mom calls me but I can hear a cheese wrapper 3 rooms away.
It’s because I’m old.

I pretend I’m deaf when my mom calls me but I can hear a cheese wrapper 3 rooms away.
Hope you enjoyed a morning filled with cats! We know the internet is filled with them!
Source: Cheezeburger.com
Grissom just can’t help himself when he smells food in your bag.
‘I stole apple sauce and tore this book’
His eyes are full of shame.
It only took me 9 seconds to chew through a $79 macbook power cord. Too bad mommy’s computer is out of juice ’cause now she can’t order a new cord online…
Milo stealing the meatballs!
Normally my girlfriend keeps a pretty good eye on Dixie, but when she takes a shower Dixie seizes the opportunity wreak havoc around the house.
Olivia loves our bed. But her favorite is to wait until I make up the bed, then she comes in and “fluffs” the pillows and blankets and makes herself at home!!!!
My name is Daisy and I snore. Loudly.
I accepted treats for being house-trained even though I was leaving tinkles behind the dresser. I am a jerk! — Schatzi
She didn’t just accept treats, she accepted hugs and love. She is a jerk. — Mom
I had a MAJOR foster fail in January and adopted Einstein, a beagle mix. Every night I try to get him to sleep in my bed, and every night he cries at the door till I put him in his crate. He’s still the perfect dog for me and I love him with all my heart.