My Mommy’s high heels taste the best!! -Hef & Toby
Hef & Toby = Trouble!!

My Mommy’s high heels taste the best!! -Hef & Toby
Sadie Lou
Danny the pug poops in his mom’s boots.
Hugo likes to hide under the bed, it’s his cave of sorts. But he farts and snores so loudly in his sleep that my husband and I have taken to joking that there are monsters under the bed.
Our 2-year-old dachshund has a terrible habbit of destroying the baby’s toys. She’s particularly fond of ripping the eyes off of all the Sesame Street and other Muppet dolls.
Lilli kept hurting herself trying to escape her crate when her two mommies weren’t home, so they decided to close her in the bathroom with blankets and toys instead. The first day went smoothly. The second day was more surprising. Lilli had climbed onto the counter and pushed all of the items into the sink. She turned on the cold water full blast. When her mommies got home, the floor was covered in water and Lilli was up on the counter so her paws wouldn’t get wet. She’s not ashamed.
My fourth “mouse” in a month- I’m so helpful…oh and I ate the cheese plate too…
I burrow under the rug to lick the floorboards underneath. xP – Beauregard
Editor’s note: Our dog Beau also licks the hardwood floor. I wonder if it’s a “Beau” thing!
We buy Zeauxy bones all the time and she still chooses to chew on anything she can reach, even her brothers bones. She believes EVERYTHING is hers.
Editor’s note: A headstall is a piece of equestrian equipment that fits over the horses’ head.
Shortly after we adopted our Boxer, Goya, from a local shelter I was walking up the stairs and heard a noise coming from the kitchen. When I went to investigate I found Goya standing comfortably on her back feet, using her front feet to stablize and push the ‘water’ button on the fridge, drinking the water as it came out. After an initial visit to the vet, we were told that she has partial kidney failure and because of that will have an insatiable appetite for water.. but to us, she’s just ‘special’ and we love her thirsty-and-self-suffiencent or not.