Sasha bit his groomer! He’s forbidden from going there again!
Dog shaving

Sasha bit his groomer! He’s forbidden from going there again!
I ate five jalapeƱo cheese slices.
Our chocolate lab, Darla, stole the rest of the spicy cheese from the table while we were out of the room (for about two minutes).
Cassius has been sitting on Puka since he was a puppy. He thinks it is normal, she is too tired to care.
“I threw up Sorry….Brutus”
Brutus learned a valuable lesson: If it looks like dog food but doesn’t smell, feel, taste like dog food, it’s not dog food.
It’s not easy being an only dog in a multi-cat household. Stubbs the Weiner-mix is tired of getting the blame for their cat-astrophic antics, and wanted to finally set the record straight.
“Mom isn’t very good at Apples to Apples… so I climbed up to show her how to be a WINNER!!”
Walter decided to show me how to play the game… he has such a good poker face
I went to the morning market and when I got home a fluffy surprise awaited me in the living room…
Shaming the dog. I was a bad boy today. I chewed up mommys favorite pair of high heels today.
We ate our daddy’s taxes. Sorry Uncle Sam!
Lola ate through all the cords and electronics under my passenger side seat. She is small and likes to be under things, like the sofa, so we never thought anything of it on road trips. That is, until my air bag lights went on. The Subaru dealership estimates $3500 to replace the whole console & electronics!