My name is Penny. I have to eat expensive prescription dog food because I’m allergic to EVERYTHING yet I like to snack on Stink Bugs, dead flies, and my own poop. Do you like my vest?
Yearly Archives:: 2013
Spaghetti Thief
I love spaghetti just as much as my owner.
I pooped on the laptop!
Slim is jealous of the attention we give the laptop. When no one was looking he pooped right on top. I think he is proud of himself, not ashamed.
Landry Shaming
Mommy is nice enough to take me for rides… then I FART in the car and make her regret her decision! Love, Landry
I nibbled on the corners of The Dangerous Book For Dogs.
Of all the books laying around the house, I picked “The Dangerous Book for Dogs” to nibble on.
Yummy Samples
I like to eat all of Mommy’s samples -Pepper
This is the second time Pepper has decided to eat my Birchbox samples. She now has good hair, nails, and a nice complexion too.
Food begging drama queen.
I am starving and my Mommy won’t feed me! (or so I would like Mommy’s guests to think when they come over for dinner). Chloe is my 2 year old schnauzer. She makes quite a verbal display when I have guests over to eat. They frequently ask me “Do you feed your dog?” She is a bit of a drama queen.
Third time charmed
Third time skunked – my mom never learns. I am ashamed 🙁
I STINK and mom didn’t think to turn the furnace off as my smelly fumes made it through the whole house in under a minute. Spring must be coming early and mom should have been paying attention to me instead of packing lunches and trying to get ready for work. Oh well, at least my human brother didn’t stink when he went to school but my dad’s friend knew just what happened when he picked him up for work. LOL! At least I get to spend the day with mom while she airs out the house with the temps outside at 30F/-1C.
Levon the phone cruncher
Levon was sneaky today and grabbed my phone when I turned away. When on time out he decided to take my bra out of my drawer and destroy that too. I guess I didn’t learn from his teething antics.
“Today, I ate my mom’s new cellphone and then at her bra for desert. I’m not sorry. (I then bit this sign)”
Happy Mother’s day!!
Sleeping Poopy
Phoenix must have been having terrible dreams to poop while sleeping…she was pretty embarrassed!
Happy Mother’s day!!