This is my 2-year old lab, Orion. I took him to a vet when he had an upset tummy and I guess he couldn’t hold it. Also, when we got there, he ran away and it took myself, a friend, and 2 assistants to catch him. P.S, he wasn’t sick. Just a little dehydrated. Which costed me 2 hours and $250 dollars.
Wow, that’s the first time I felt grateful that my dog only gets car sick (throws up) on a ride!
Hope you have leather seats.
Aww, but he’s so cute! How could you be mad at a face that adorable?
Looks like he’s feeling much better – what a sweetie!
Wow! two years old?!?! He looks like a baby. What a precious puppy face.
Pittie Mom
Happy guy, happy guy. Great smile.
my 4 dogs♡
He looks like the happiest dog ever!
cute dog, I love the fabrics in the picture, very cool
Very, very cute face you’ve got there Orion! We are glad you are all better!