You know that really expensive coffee that is made from the droppings of wild civet cats? Well, Jennie is taking that one step further and just eating bobcat poop. She seems to feel no shame.
You know that really expensive coffee that is made from the droppings of wild civet cats? Well, Jennie is taking that one step further and just eating bobcat poop. She seems to feel no shame.
Alexa Binnion MacPherson
Love this. My dog eats fox poop…
Great face, and a discerning palate!
Bobcats?? Where do y’all live? I love his darling face…. he’s thinking how plain, old litter box cat poop is not good enough for him. He has to go for the good stuff!!!
oops, my apologies to Jennie. I called you a “he” when you are clearly a girl!! Forgive me.
He’s just practicing the rule “know your enema”.
Oops. I made the same gender error as Andrea. My apologies.
Omg, this definitely made me lol. I guess to a dog it doesn’t matter what kind of cat it is, their poop must be devoured!
Alice Ramirez
Better she eats bobcat poop than her master’s Kopi Luwak coffee @ apx $160 a pound! I have never understood why dogs adore eating catpoo, but they do and, after all, a bobcat is still a cat!