For those who aren’t familiar with our contest: Every Tuesday from now until Christmas, we’ll be posting a new caption-less Dog Shaming picture. It’s up to YOU to come up with the perfect words of shame! Get your creative juices flowing and come up with the funniest caption you can think of and by Friday we’ll announce the winner! You can tweet us, facebook us, or leave your comment below!
WINNERS WILL RECEIVE: Two signed copies of the Dog Shaming book, two tote bags, and four Dog Shaming pins and markers! This way you get to keep a copy for yourself, but also you’ll also be able to cross your dog-loving friend or family member off your shopping list!! (Of course, if you can’t wait to get a free copy, you can always order your copy here!)
Karen Dickinson
“We’re overdomesticated!” “I need to go hunt something”
Carrie Schulman
“Four calling birds; three French hens; two turtle doves; and a partridge in a pear tree.”
“Where are all these birds he keeps singing about???”
Anders Engblom
-Thanks for the nice indoor toilet Santa!
-I think the lights went out after my last visit though…
Audra Cook
“Just smile, it will pay off, I promise”………”How humiliating, there better be something good under the tree for us”
“Its beginning to look a lot like CHRISTMASSSS!!…”
“Why couldn’t I have been Jewish!”
“Over hills we go, laughing all the way!…”
“Do you see me laughing? I’m not laughing. I am not amused with these antlers”
Jennifer Grygowski
“We ate..” “..the cookies!”
(left) I told Santa I wanted a deer antler for Christmas. Hilarious! (right) Not funny.
Bea Iparraguirre
This is enough, we cant put up with this any more.. what can we do??
just relax and keep smiling at the camera.. we will eat the whole xmas cake tonight while they are asleep, sweet revenge ¡¡
“I ate Santa’s cookies!”
“He didn’t share!”
Left: I’m a reindeer, a reindeer, a reindeer *lalalalala*!
Right: Forget it, he’s just an idiot!
Gabriela Guillermo-Garza
Left: They’re fashionable, man! Just look at me, I’m rockin’ ’em!
Right: Nah dude…. nah.
“Fa la la la la!”
“Really? Show some dignity.”
Left: “OMG, Look at my hat!” Right: “Be careful when you put your shoes on…”
Left: Love, Love, Love them!
Right: We look like morons, dumb dumb.
Doggie on left says “Oh, yea ~Mama! I’ll do anything for a treat ~ I’m a happy doggie! Doggie on right says ~ “I’ll have my cookie right now so I can get out of this getup you fool!!
Left: I think we look great!
Right: Friends don’t let friends wear antlers…
Jenna Parker
I can’t let my creative juices flow. I’m so distracted by the dead mouse in the corner?! here it goes:
“Hey! What do you call Santa Claus’ dog?” “Santa Paws”
Danielle Borrayo.
L- Did I get the part of Rudolph this year? I’ve really been practicing! R- he wants me to be his stunt double!
Christina Hernandez
“This are so much fun!!”
“Umm human, where are my real ears?”
– Can we go caroling? Can we? Can we PLEASE?
– Why do you hate me?
“I’m a reindeer!!!!” “Curses upon your soul.”
Linda Ashburn
Left: “I drank Eggnog!” Right: “And now he’s Blitzen.”
“I’m going to pull Santa’s sleigh!!!”
“I’m going to poop on everything you love.”
– “Haha, they put antlers on your head. ”
– “Dude, have you looked in the mirror lately?”
Gregg Smith
I left a present under the tree (Dog on Left)
I watched (Dog on Right)
Lisa Heinrich
“I contaminated the tree!”
“I watched.”
LEFT: “I want treats for Christmas! And toys that squeak! And…and…belly rubs!”
RIGHT: “I just want my dignity back.”
“Merry Christmas!!!!” “It wasn’t me. I swear.”
Woof Woof
Have a Holly Jolly Christmas………………….
Bah Humbug!!!!!!!!
Shevaun Garcia
L – “Have you seen our creepy toy mouse?” R – “It’s behind me, isn’t it?”
Vanessa K
Left: “We’re naughty!”
Right: “And nice!”
L: We love when you do this stuff to us! R: Be sure to check your slippers in the morning for our return gift to you.
Left: Say “Cheese!”
Right: More like “Cheesy”
bobbie Grumbling
Dog on left : I unwrapped all the presents under the tree.
Dog on right : I probably helped.
Right: “I left some ‘presents’ under the tree.”
Left: “And I ate them!”
Left: I’m ready to go Santa! Woof Woof!
Right: I feel like Ralphie in his pink bunny pj’s *sigh*
Lisa Charleton
I’m telling you, we’ll get more treats by wearing these!
They better be the good treats!
Becky Bertuzzi
Dog on the the left: You excited to see me Clark?
Dog on the right: Oh, Eddie… If I woke up tomorrow with my head sewn to the carpet, I wouldn’t be more surprised than I am now.
Left: I love them! I must have been on the nice list
Right: I hate them! I must have been on the naughty list.
Left Reindeer Dog: They say that Rudolph had a very shiny nose, and if you ever saw it
you would even say it glows.
Right Reindeer Dog: Dude, we are much cooler, look what we can do with our eyes…
“Grandma got run over by a reindeer”
“It wasn’t me!”
“Jingle Bells…”
“<— that guy smells!"
Left: As long as we keep these on, they won’t notice.
Right: Will we get coal if he finds out we’re dogs?
Kristin H
Smiling dog on Left- “This party is awesome!!!”
Dog on right- “Go home Buddy, you’re drunk”
Danielle Howell
Smiling dog – “I love please my human by wearing these reindeer ears!”
Other dog – “I better not see this picture on the internet anywhere.”
Sharon Skogen
Dog #1: I unwrapped all the presents under the tree.
Dog#2: …and I pooped on them!
Dog on the Left: CHEESE!
Dog on the Right: What mouse?
L: All I want for Christmas is you!
R: All I want for Christmas is your camera.
Chris Griffin
“I love this time of year, the parties, the food, the presents”
“Kids pulling on my ears, people stepping on my tail…”
“We look-”
Christina Hyun
“I watered the tree for you.”
“It looked dry.”
Left: “Merry Woofmas!”
Right: “Bah Humbug”
“We’ll pulled Santa’s Sleigh all around the world!”
“Too bad he fell out over Toledo…”
Left pooch-“Ha Ha…Look at that dork!”; Right pooch-“Idiot!”
Left dog: “I bet the sooner we act happy and borderline crazy, the sooner our humans will stop making us pretend we’re reindeer!” Right dog: “No no no, we need to act scared and pathetic to make this nonsense stop.”
Dog on left “jingle bells”
Dog on right ” his butt smells”
Lindsay Hayes
But do you recall…
The most famous Rein-dogs of all?
Christina Anderson
“We’re Santa’s little helpers…”
“We ate the cookies for him!”
Emma Katherine
L – “Don’t you just love these head thingamabobbers?”
R – [to self] “So they think they can shame me out of world domination, do they…”
Dawn Walschinski
Ooo, do you have a red nose to go with this?
Don’t encourage them
I ate all the chocolate chip cookies left for Santa Those weren’t chocolate chips
L: And Santa will really let us guide the sleigh?
R: Do I really have to answer that?
Beckie Schilling
Left: Dasher and Dancer at your service!
Right: …it’s going to be a long night
Stephane Hubert
L: Is there a treat coming? Is there? Is there????
R; When he sees the “treat” you left, under his feet, we’re sleeping outside, treat-less!!
Jaime S.
Dog on left: This is my punishment for drinking all of the egg nog.
Dog on right: He’s a brat. All he left me was the fruitcake.
Kali A.
“Feliz Navidad!” “Fleas? Where!?”
“Cookies, you say? Never hear of it. Don’t know where they would have walked off to.”
“I’ll never tell”
Jaime S.
Dog on left: “Dashing through the snow…”
Dog on right: “Oh no! He’s caroling again! His singing hurts my antlers.”
Dog on left: “OH MY GOD IT’S SANTA! I KNOW HIM!”
Dog on right: Dude, I’m just here to eat reindeer poop.
“We farted and it doesn’t smell like holly!” “Falalala la la la la!”
Amanda M
“I’m Rudolph right? right?… say it”
“… your Rudolph… again”
“God bless us, everyone.”
“Bah humbug!”
L: All dolled up
R: For a smelly smooch under the mistletoe
Lindsey K
Right: “Please tell me that’s a festive pun and not a statement of your condition.”
Jean Rabe
We’ve got that special . . . .
deer in the headlights look.
No shame here! Reindeer games are fun!
Especially the treats afterwards 🙂
Dog on the left: Merry Christmas!
Dog on the right: Bah Humbug!
Deb Gleason
“Eggnog, why yes, that IS my natural prey in the wild. I’ve been known to stalk herds of wild eggnogs across the open plains!” “I’m too ashamed to admit, but I think there is a mouse hiding under my tail!”
See we’ve been good all year, nothing but good shame
Yah no coal for us, you think they forgot about me marking the tree?
Left: I had to take off my red nose so bright…
Right: Now we can play in the reindeer games!
“I ran over Grandma”
“Me too”
nicole foreman
left: I look fabulous!
right: I look ridiculous!
Lizzy C
Do you recall…
…the most shameless reindeer of all?
Shari D.
Dog #1 “I farted on the Christmas tree.” Dog #2: “I’m immune.”
Ochie D
Left: “A priest and a rabbi walk into a bar..”
Right: “oh dear lord, here we are with the corny bar jokes again..”
Dog on the left: “At least I can laugh at myself!”
Dog on the right: “I feel like a total dork.”
“IS HE HERE YET, IS HE HEEEEERE YET?!?!?!” “He’s been asking since Christmas in July!”
“Do you see the mistletoe?” “OH no! Not this again!”
L: this time I’ll be Rudolph , you be Olive
R: why do I always have to be Olive the other reindeer ?
L: we look so good!
R: seriously??? Have u seen yourself???
Mom better not be putting this on FB!
Left: “Hahaha we’re reinDOGS!”
Right: “You know this means we have to pull the sleigh, right?”
L-(singing) “I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas!!”
R-“I wanted a Puppy for Christmas last year; this year I asked for Reindeer EARPLUGS”
R: can’t wait for the presents!!
L: oh I left him a present alright! Muhahahaha
breanne paquette
L:Happy howlidays!
R: He’s atopted!
Dog on left “I’m a reindeer!!!!”
Dog on right “I eat reindeer poop”
L: Not a creature was stirring…
R: Not even a mouse.
susan bren
jingle bell bat man smells robin laid an egg
no your the on that smells and ate the robin so he cant lay eggs.
Kelly Connell
dog at left: I’m Dasher
dog at right: I’m peeing.
Kara B
“Jingle bells”
“What’s that smell?!?”
Right: “Why do they have to do this to us EVERY year??? It is soooo humiliating!!!”
Left: “Just humor the stupid humans. It’ll all be over in a minute and they’ll go to bed. We’ll get our revenge by peeing on the Christmas tree and eating several ornaments…just like we did last year after the ugly sweater incident”.
Brielle Munsch
Dog on Left: “I’m a dashing Dasher!”
Dog on Right: “Deer god. Why?”
Mom brought us to see Santa, I was so excited!
I was so scared I pooped on Santa’s lap.
“Olive the other Reindeer reporting for duty!”
“It’s all of, not Olive!”
Chrissy G.
Left: I bet you think we’re gonna let you get away with this…
Right: Silly humans
This is the best day ever!!!
He’s an idiot.
Jennifer DeCell
L: “these antlers are FANTASTIC!!!” R: “we look like dorks..”
Katie Campbell
MOM!! I watered the tree for you!!
I helped!
” we wouldn’t let Rudolph play in our reindeer games”
Hannah Van Pelt
“O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree…”
“…Thou art my new favorite potty!”
Ok, I totally did it!
If you punish him I’ll do it too.
Left: “Do you think they’re falling for it??” Right: “Yeah man, keep looking cute n crazy with those antlers so they don’t notice the dead mouse behind me.”
Left: “Does this mean I can fly??” RIght: “I dare you to go try…”
Left: Santa!
Right: He is real.
Left: Where did the mouse go?!
Right: Okay… that’s not carpet under my tail.
Lauren McCroskey
Left: Who are Dasher and Dancer?
Right: More like Gassy and Hungry!
“mommy says i’m pretty!”
“Ho, Ho, Oh.. i need to move out..”
L:I love the way your people celebrate the holidays
R: just wait till you see what we have to wear at Easter
L: I drank the water from the Christmas tree and mummy doesn’t know it yet!
R: I Helped!
Lorene Pregenzer
R: I hided the mouse with my tail
L: and I chased the cat out of the room
~My stocking has a bag of greenies
~Mommy’s stocking has a gift of doggie coal
Bonnie Nattinger
Left – I’m a reindeer? Yeah! I’m a reindeer…a really good lookinig reindeer!
Right – I’m too old for this crap
(L) I think this is FINALLY the year we’re off Santa’s Naughty List!!!
(R) Well…Um…define “naughty”.
Ann brackett
R- if I lean this way I get Santa’s radar
L- if I lean this way I get Norad radar….and what’ s with this spy mouse?
D. B. Barry
Left: He’s hiding the cat’s mouse. He’s hiding the cat’s mouse.
Right: Shut up, or I’ll tell the cat it was you.
Dasher??? Prancer???
We thought they were chew toys…
Diane huntley
left – Can I pull the sleigh now?
right – You’re not going to tell Santa Paws about this are you?
Left- “I’m dressed like my sister! 🙂
Right – “I’m dressed like my sister. 🙁
(This picture instantly reminded me of shots of my older sister and me. I was always thrilled to be dressed alike, she always looked like she wanted to kill someone.)
R – “OMG its Santa, I know him!!!!!”
L – “Wait until he finds out you ate his cookies…”
“Get me out of here.”
“Yay! Santa made us his reindeer! Yippee! Woohoo! Yahoo!”
“I’m surrounded by idiots”
Laura Lux-Thompson
“I’m a Reindeer!!!!!! WOOHOO!”
“Laughing at my ennui, I see, I should be shaming you! I do not find this amusing, puny humans…”
Vicki Klaas
Yes! I’m rocking these antlers!
Me? Not so much!
Mika Miller
“I drank the milk” and “I ate the cookies”
Left: Guess who made Santa’s “Nice” list!?!?!
Right: Not me.
Lindsay Hayes
You know Dasher and Dancer
But do you know Milo and Bex?
Ochie D
Left: we may or may not have committed a crime. Right: hush, I’m trying to hide it behind my tail!
L: “I look AMAZING!”
R: “Where are the cookies. You said there’d be cookies.”
Susan Bass
Not a creature was stirring… not even a mouse
michele d
– Antlers?! I love antlers!! Antlers are the best!!!
– I peed in your shoes.
Dog on Left – I ate tinsel off the tree and pooped silver for days.
Dog on Right – I watched and did nothing.
Left: yaaaay!! I’m a reindeer.
Right: great. I’m a reindeer.
“Cheese! Now give me treat!” “These antlers will not make it through the night.”
“No shame, no fame!”
“And I get the blame.”
greisy flores
Smiling dog: “Say Cheese!” Other dog: “Brown Noser”)
“These are the greatest things ever! Look I’m a reindog!
“Get these things off of me…”
Dog on Left “I ate Reindeer poop!”
Dog on Right “I ate Santa’s glasses. NOT sorry!”
L: “Ho, ho, ho!”
R: “No, no, no.”
Lynn Ginaven
Left: “Do these look better with our ears sticking out?…….”
Right: “….Or with our ears tucked in?”
1. You wanna wear the Santa hat?!
2. He wouldn’t let ME wear the Santa hat.
Smiling Dog: Look it’s Santa
Other Dog: That’s not Santa that’s a burglar.
L: dress up like a reindeer for santa they said
R: it’ll be fun they said
Left: I’m ready to open presents!
Right: Someone’s getting ‘coal’ in their stocking this year.
“I’m Dasher.. No wait! I’ll be Dancer”.. “I wanted to be Dancer”
Left dog: “Artificial tree”
Right dog: “Genuine pee”
Anders Engblom
Hands down the best one!
Donna Clayton Walter
Dog on Left: “Hey, I’ve got the Christmas spirit!”
Dog on Right: “This does not flatter the shape of my nose.”
Rufus's Mom
Left: Where’s your Christmas spirit?
Right: In the liquor cabinet…
L: Jingle BAMM!
R: He sees me when I’m sleeping, he knows that I’m awake… Oh No! I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to be sleeping right now…
Diane huntley
left – can we go to the North Pole now?
right – seriously?
left- “I am the cutest look at me mom! I should get all the presents!”
right – “He can have them! I look ridiculous!”
Kathleen Pierre
“I left Santa a surprise at the bottom of the chimney!” “He’s going to get us on the naughty list…”
Sarah M
on right “Jingle Bells”
on left “Batman Smells!”
“I want to be Rudolph! Can I be Rudolph???” “I’m not going anywhere if HE is leading the pack, we’ll end up chasing our tails for hours.”
-“Deck the halls with bow-wows of holly…”
-“here we go again”
Trudy Stramel
happy dog: Rudolph, Rudolph, I call Rudolph! Can I have a red nose? serious dog: butt kisser!
Connie Szumski
(Left) I’m with guilty! (Right) I didn’t do it!
L: “You’re lucky I look great in these antlers”
R: “I’m lucky we’re not related”.
-Thank you Santa for the cookies!
-Sorry I drank your milk……
L: When you gonna hook us up to the sled?
R: Not another trip to Who-ville!
Linda Dyer
Left: These antlers Rock! Right: <—- Someone got into the eggnog.
Left: Yay, Christmas! Can I have a treat?
Right: I will have revenge on you, human!
The smiling one says, “Merry Christmas!!!”. The other one grumbles, “Bah Humbug”
Kory Iarrusso
left dog: “I pooped under the tree!” Right Dog “I don’t want coal for Christmas, I swear it wasn’t me!”
Dog on left: I told him —.> wearing these antlers meant it was okay to pee on the tree.
Dog on right: I believed him.
“Dashing through the…”
Teehee my bro has to wear reindeer antlers!
Poor dumdum doesn’t know he has them on too…
Katie Colunga
Left: (singing) “I came in like a WRECKING BALL!”
Right: “Not even putting these antlers over my ears will drown that out.”
We have no idea what happened to Rudolph
And his nose definitely wasn’t tasty.
Kate Johnson
Dog 1: “Grandma got run over by a reindeer.” Dog 2: “I’m the reindeer.”
April gocha
(Dog right) “I dropped a Yule log under the Christmas tree!”
(Dog left) “I thought it tasted more like fruitcake.”
Dashing through the snow! He has no shame….
Alicia Biscoe
Left: Look! Our human has the camera! Say Reindeer! Right: human got run over by a reindeer, remember that
Erin E
“Every dog deserves a home for Christmas”
“Adopt a furry family member this holiday season”
“We just put up the tree!”
“Then I peed on it!”
Rachel W.
Left dog-“Christmas present time!
Right dog-“I ate his present…whoops.”
K Gray
I watered the tree!
I tried to stop him.
Heather Lohse
L: Not a creature was stirring…
R: Not even a mouse!
Caroline Ondracek
I’m Rudolf, he’s Blizen!
Lynne Wetmore
Happy dog: OMG I’m a reindeer! This is my Christmas dream come true!
Embarrassed dog: This is my nightmare before Christmas.
L- BUDDY THE ELF, what’s your favorite color?
R- oh, for the love…
Donna Clayton Walter
Dog on the left: “C’mon! Let’s sing! Fleas Navidog, Fleas Navidog…”
Dog on the right: “Bah, humbug.”
Melissa G
Dog 1: Ready for takeoff Santa!
Dog 2: Do I tell him, or watch him try to fly? AKA Dive head first into a snowbank.
I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus!
Doesn’t he usually leave presents too?
Rhonda Pascual
L- Look Ma, I’m a reindeer!!!
R- This is dumb.
L: Thanks for my new grill Santa!…
R: Thinks he’s cool with those new teeth – humpf…
L: Yay! Santa! R: Keep taking pictures. Each click is another ornament “missing” from the tree.
raphael fourmont
We look cool! — I think Dogs drool!
Left – ‘Tis the season to be doggy …. (that’s your cue)
Right – ….fa la la la la la la la la
Dog on the right: I hate these antlers.
Dog on the left: I know he/she hates these antlers. That’s why I ask Mom to put them on us every year!
L: I’ve been good all year!
R: I’ve been naughty all year, if you know what I mean. Tee-hee.
Laura Lux-Thompson
“I’ve got antlers! I haven’t been this happy since I was spayed!”
“Really, dealing with him isn’t enough? I have to wear antlers too?”
“He doesn’t realize these are shame-antlers.”
“Will these make me fly like Santa’s reindeer?” “Let’s go on the roof and find out.”
Helen Swanson
“We didn’t let Rudolph join in our reindeer games!!”
“Now Santa’s lost! Merry Christmas!”
Lauren L
– Ha! Hahahaha! You look ridiculous!
– Uh, check a mirror, friend.
Matt Arment
– Santa is coming!!!!
– You’re an idiot
Left: It’s Santa Claus!!
Right: He is real!
left: ” Yo Ho Ho”
right: ” It’s Ho Ho Ho”
Ric Perdue
Left: “Hmm.. Fat, red intruder – no treats!!! Not liking his chances…”
Right: “….Are those crumbs in his beard??? YUUUMMMMMMY!!!”
left: I’m so happy I could poop! right: I’m pooping right now.
I’m Comet and I want a cookie!
I’m Cupid can I have one to please?
Ain’t Life Grand???
Shoot me!!!
Doggy on left: “Look at me, Mom, I’m a reindeer!”
Doggy on right: “Where’s the treat you promised me for putting these on?”
“You know we are just going to eat these in an hour right?” “Shhhh let her have her moment.”
Wendy Morrison
Kill me now.
Elisa Daigle
-We gonna be Santa’s reindeer this year?
-Please tell me it’s not a lot of work!
“I love dressing up for Holidays! Christmas is my favorite” “I loathe you and all the traditions you hold dear”
Christine King
Dog on left- “They brought the potty inside! Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!”
Dog on right- “He was adopted, obviously.”
Deck the halls
with Bacon and Holly
“Ya think we made the ‘Nice’ list this year???”
“Dear Santa Paws, this year I want a new ball and a bunny and a collar and, and, and… lots of other stuff too!!”
“Don’t tell him Santa Paws isn’t real”
Keith and Charity
Left: Smile for the camera Rudolph or we won’t let you play any of the reindeer games.
Right: Well that figures.
Ashley Service
Santa’s B Team- L: “Rudolf ain’t got nothin on us!” R- “You signed us up to do WHAT?!”
Dog on left: “YIPEE!!!!! It’s Christmas!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!
Dog on right: “I am peeing on your pillow when you leave.”
“You left what? Didn’t see milk or cookies!”
“He did it..”
“Santa told me to do it and now I’m on the good list!!”
“It was me…and I would do it again…”
Dog on left: Santa wouldn’t let us pull his sleigh tonight
Dog on right: We are so ashamed
Left Dog We will do anything to win Dog Shaming books for our parents…
Right Dog Even wear these silly reindeer antlers!
my 4 dogs♡
Left dog ” I just barked at nothing and woke the house up”.
Right dog “There’s a mouse behind me…isn’t there? “.
Lynne Wetmore
Left dog: “Reindeer antlers! Just what I’ve always wanted! I could sing for joy!”
Right dog: “Yeah, me too…. Owner got run over by a reindeer…”
Left: I just know Santa wants me to guide his sleigh!
Right: I eat reindeer poop.
Left: “Merry Christmas! I brought you a live mouse!”
Right: “What’s touching me…?
Left: I ate one of the lightbulbs from the tree. Can you tell? Huh? Am I glowing? Huh?
Right: Well, you’re certainly not one of the brightest bulbs in the bunch…
Michelle P
(Dog on left): “Rudolph the red-nosed..” (Dog on right): “Not again!”
Lacy M
“I stole santas cookies!” “I was the lookout”
“I licked my baubles”
“I licked his baubles too, and so did my mouse”
Dog on the left: “I brought a mouse inside for the christmas dinner!”
Dog on the right: “It’s looking at me, isn’t it?”
Daniel O.
“Did I hear Santa land on the roof?”
“No its just a mouse”
Sarah Wheeler
Doggie on the left “Wooohoooo I cant wait for Santipaws to bring me my pressies”
Doggie in the right “OH Cr#p I haven’t got him anything”
Jamie Lang
Our humans are so cray cray
Totes McGoats
Sue Wence
We heard Santa needed a replacement reindeer!
How did I get talked into this?
lisa harrison
Left: We are reindeer, not cats. Right: Yeah that’s the story, we are reindeer not cats!
Louise Kaga
Left: We volunteer to be on call to pull Santa’s sleigh on Christmas Eve! Right: I was promised a dog biscuit if I wore this