“My name is Snarf. When it is raining, I hide my poo in the house. Not sorry!”
Snarf refuses to go to the restroom outside in the rain. She now has resorted to hiding her poo. She opened my suitcase (it was unzipped), pooped on my clothes, hopped out and closed the lid. It took forever to find her present. She is not sorry.
Love the name, Snarf your very funny, keep looking for good hiding spots.
My dog’s name is Snarf also…. Best dog name EVER!!!
The only pug name I’ve heard that is as good as “Snarf” is “Bumblesnot,” the pug mascot for Channel 4 L.A. weather casts.
And nor should she be. 🙂
My Emma is the same if there is a cloud in the sky we pull out the pads!
I had to take my dog out holding an umbrella over her when it rained. I would get soaked, but she would be dry.
Our babies are so spoiled, lol. And their wolf ancestors hang their heads in shame.
I had a cat named Snarf! It’s so odd to see another pet with that name!