I ate something I was not supposed to eat, got sick, and poo’d on the book about poo.
Monthly Archives:: November 2013
Enter our Dog Shaming Caption Contest, win signed copies of the book!
This week marks the official start of the holiday season and with it comes the stress of buying the perfect gift for loved ones. Not to worry, We’ve come up with the most perfect gift any person in the whole entire world would love: The Gift of Dog Shaming!
Every Tuesday from now until Christmas, we’ll be posting a new caption-less Dog Shaming picture. It’s up to YOU to come up with the perfect shame sign! Get your creative juices flowing and come up with the funniest caption you can think of and by Friday we’ll announce the winner! You can tweet us, facebook us, or leave your comment below!
WINNERS WILL RECEIVE: 2 signed copies of Dog Shaming, 2 totes bags, and 4 Dog Shaming pins and markers. This way you get to keep a copy for yourself, but also you’ll also be able to cross your dog-loving friend or family member off your list!! Of course, if you can’t wait to get a free copy, you can always order your copy here!
Let’s kick this off with the following submission. Caption Contest Photo #1
Good Morning!
My name is Lucky. Sometimes I poop the bed.
Napoleon is not eco-friendly
If we leave the house for any length of time, our dog Napoleon pees on whatever he can find. Today it was the recycling bin.
Stress relief balls really work!
This stress ball was supposed to relieve my stress, not cause it. Woke up to lots of very small pieces all over the floor. But how can anyone be aggravated at that cute snaggletooth face?
Medal of (dis)honour
My lab, Kimber, destroyed my Alpha Chi Honor Society medal. She’s pretty ashamed.
Graphite Gone
Idgie’s one weakness is graphite. She didn’t even want the wood around it.
“The only thing I EVER chew up are pencils the kitty knocks down. (Thanks a lot, kitty!)”
Jealous of baby.
I like to eat the baby’s things. Pacifiers, blankets, and my personal favorite- the new bouncy seat. I have no remorse.
-Perry the Puggle
Biiff is in trebble again….
Biff is a 2 year old wire-haired dachshund. The cat got blamed, but Bifff was actually caught in the act this time!
WIFI is next!!
“Yesterday we ate the Wii… Today it was the BluRay player.” Harkness and Bowie have totally earned their first dog-shaming submission.