Have you already submitted your caption? Time is running out for this week’s caption contest. We’ll be picking a winner and announcing it tomorrow! You can give us your answer on facebook, twitter, or in the reply box on this post!
Have you already submitted your caption? Time is running out for this week’s caption contest. We’ll be picking a winner and announcing it tomorrow! You can give us your answer on facebook, twitter, or in the reply box on this post!
Mei Ling Wu is outed for inability to Belieb.
“I peed on the Roomba”
-Maralynn the rescue-mutt. If she were a Batman villain, she’d be The Piddler.
Our mom and dad took us to get shots. We repaid them by throwing up all over the car.
I started a fire! I’m a bad dog
My dog, Wilbur turned on the stove and started a fire. I put it out and everything’s ok. Wilbur was only upset because he hates the sound of the fire alarm!
This is Uben. He stole some raw yeast dough and had explosive farts and projectile diarrhea for days. He was pretty ashamed at his jet propelled rear end.
I am Gunter, a big German Shepard baby. As soon as I see my mommy get my leash, I get so excited I have been known to knock over tables, start chewing her shoes (yum) and anything else that I think will help. I always tip over the shoe basket at the door in case she needs to change her shoes…
Hero has many toys. But ducky…ducky is his true toy, friend, companion. They’ve had their ups and downs, but today, Hero decided to end their friendship.
RIP ducky
After frantically searching for my bank card all day, I found it in the back yard … in Honey’s mouth!
Moxie, our six month old chocolate lab, has learned how to break into our house while we are at work. It’s obvious that she prefers my husband’s left flip flops to the right. I’m still looking for my left tennis shoe.