Winston will stop at nothing to devour just the crotches of any and all pairs of dirty underwear. They are not safe buried, in a basket, or behind closed doors. We often come home and find that he had decorated the house in his filthy accomplishments.
Katherine Basiliere
Haha, so embarrassing!
My pup does the same thing! I had to go buy a hamper with a lid.
I have a panty eater too. He has also resorted to the clean ones fresh from the laundry AND brand new ones with tags on them. Teddy is a jerk.
But he’s soooo cute! He truly looks ashamed!
that is a precious picture; so cute;
My dog does the same thing. I hate it.
I love that quilt! and have a panty eater. We have a baby gate to keep the dogs from the kitty poo and panties!
when my dog was a puppy he would always drag my jockstrap out of the laundry basket, dirty or clean! he was good at bringing it out and showing company what he had!! LOL