As I ran a bath for myself – Riggs, our 5 year old red heeler decided he would make sure that the water was ready for me….. This is the after math of him jumping in my tub and running through the house. Thanks Riggs.
As I ran a bath for myself – Riggs, our 5 year old red heeler decided he would make sure that the water was ready for me….. This is the after math of him jumping in my tub and running through the house. Thanks Riggs.
He is adorable. You are lucky that he likes baths!
He looks darling in that towel and that pose!!! 😀 I agree with Valerie; you are lucky to have a guy who likes baths, although running in the house sopping wet is another matter altogether 😛
Mari Detto
So you are saying he’s a service dog!
Our English Setter does this too. So cute and funny.
Oh Riggs, you are such a cute little helper!
Why dog would have to dragged into a bath full of water. At least Riggs makes bath time easier.
That would be My dog. Excuse the typo.
How considerate of him!
I can’t even say “bath” around Bear – the only lab I know who hates water!
My lab mix is the same, sorta. She loves he water, just not BATH water.. Hehe we say the word to mess with her and her ears go down
Lol 😀 I had a pomeranian who would go hide under the sofa when we thought-just “thought” of giving her a bath!! 😀
Mary Urban
Oh, no, Juls. I have one, too! Won’t even go outside in this morning’s drizzle.
Mary, If I try to let Bear out the patio door when it’s sprinkling, he will give me a look of disdain – and head to the front door. I guess he figures it’s not raining out the FRONT door!
Ana Clara
When it’s pouring rain my dogs do the same. They run from one door to the other as if it was a parallel universe where is not raining. So funny!
Haha. My lab mix is terrified of water! When it’s bath time he nudges the water down the drain with his snout!
You aught to by happy… Now, he s tidy ! 😉
He was just trying to help 🙂
Love the guilty “ears down”. I have a Heeler mix that looks exactly like that when she’s guilty! Bless his heart, Riggs was trying to be soooooo helpful! Lol!
She is a cutie I love cute dogs
Tambra Galid
He’s a beauty and useful.
He looks like Yoda!! 😀
But he’s so cute snuggled in his towel!