This week marks the official start of the holiday season and with it comes the stress of buying the perfect gift for loved ones. Not to worry, We’ve come up with the most perfect gift any person in the whole entire world would love: The Gift of Dog Shaming!
Every Tuesday from now until Christmas, we’ll be posting a new caption-less Dog Shaming picture. It’s up to YOU to come up with the perfect shame sign! Get your creative juices flowing and come up with the funniest caption you can think of and by Friday we’ll announce the winner! You can tweet us, facebook us, or leave your comment below!
WINNERS WILL RECEIVE: 2 signed copies of Dog Shaming, 2 totes bags, and 4 Dog Shaming pins and markers. This way you get to keep a copy for yourself, but also you’ll also be able to cross your dog-loving friend or family member off your list!! Of course, if you can’t wait to get a free copy, you can always order your copy here!
Let’s kick this off with the following submission. Caption Contest Photo #1

You’re sure you can read my sign?
I live with 3 dorks
I ate my hat.
You know how everyone has that one friend? I’m that friend…
One of these things is not like the other
yes-so funny!
Helen S.
I refuse to conform
Bonnie Cohen
I have never seen any of these dogs before in my life. I swear.
Dunce. dunce, dunce, goose!
Margie Schirmer
Don’t even THINK about it!!!!!!!
Elaine Horst
I ate my antlers. It’s not fair that I always have to be the reindeer just because I’m brown! Why can’t I be an elf for once?
Ashley Glatz
Elf school dropout.
Who’s the dunce(s) now?
Lyn Regan
Don’t even DREAM of putting the fat man’s suit on me!!!!
Diane W
Do you see what I am talking about? Now do you feel my shame.
“Will work for milk and cookies”.
Darryl has always dreamt of becoming a customer service elf, but he just does not have the personality, looks or brains of Curly, Mo or Larry.
So, it’s the shipping department for him.
Okay, if we’re honest…it’s the _recycling division_ of the shipping department for him.
Sorry, I was hungry.
Virginia Bryant
My brothers say Dad’s going to have my DNA tested.
Place your bets – who’ll eat the hat first?
Lisa Hanock-Jasie
Thought mom asked us to eat shelves, not be elves.
Colin Hollis
I was busy chasing the cat when they showed us how to fold this into a hat 🙁
And they call me a brown noser.
Sharon Williams
Do you want to read my sign for the three stooges?
Guess which elf ate Santa’s cookies and milk.
santa’s little helpers
I’m an Angry Elf.
Chris S
I told them this picture was for a humane society fundraising calendar. Trust me. They had it coming.
“I thought the hat WAS the treat, not wear the hat & get a treat!”
I may have helped eat those elves, but at least I didn’t take trophies.
Elizabeth Loesch
made me laugh out loud!
Angela Dudek
too many sins to list
See no evil – hear no evil – speak no evil – oops I ate sant cookies
I’m trying to shame my siblings, but they have no shame. How embarrassing for them…
Baxter always felt like the left out elf ever since he he left that unwanted present under the tree.
Leslie Kuchinski (@LKuchinski)
I messed up the family photo and got myself on the naughty list 🙁
Bah Humbug!
I’m pretty sure I’m adopted.
Luisa D
what if the chicken won’t wear the nylons?
A) *Mumble* B) WOOF C) WOOF D) woof
A) Can’t Talk – I have a sign in my mouth
B) I’m SantaPaws’ Helpper
C) No I am
D) I hate christmas
I’m adopted
Mark Reams
I pooped in my neighbors yard, and my three brothers rolled in it.
Thank God they ran out of hats!
I’m the black sheep.
wendy woodward
I went to the Mall to see Santa and all I got was this lousy piece of cardboard
wendy woodward
Does this piece of cardboard make my butt look big?
While you’re busy “oo”-ing and “aw”-ing and the dogs in the stupid hats, I’m digesting your turkey! NO SHAME!
“at” not “and!!! oops
Sunny Tanecka
Mo is sad. He’s always the last doggie for everything. Why do Eenie, Meenie and Miney get to have all of the fun?
Emily Rohrer
One of us at the Elf On the Shelf. None of us are sorry.
Emily Rohrer
I told you it wasn’t me who drank the eggnog.
My name is Brownie, I live with three dorks, my master is good and smart……SQUIRREL!
Elizabeth Loesch
Help. I’m condemned to community service as Santa’s helper – just because one of these idiots threw-up on him when we went to get our picture taken. I only ate my hat; I’m not ashamed; I should be a reindeer.
Allison Lane
I ate all the chocolate. I thought I was Willie Wonka & they were the Oompa Loompas!
Bree Harber
There’s Waldo –>
On the third day of Christmas, my master gave to me…
Anita Goulding
Brownie here is the only one with brains in the bunch. He refuses to be shamed
Don’t tell me THESE guys are the three wise men!
We’re waiting for Santa and promise not to steal his cookies!
Me is with stupids —————–>
Nice! 😀
I have no holiday spirit
I’ll eat those hats too as soon as you’re not looking…..
Who’s been naughty & who has been nice?
Katie Colunga
I asked my Mom why I looked different she said something about the milkman…………chocolate milk!
“Free dogs to good homes-will wear hats and smile” (adopt soon, so I can have their share of Thanksgiving Turkey and Christmas presents and cake all to myself!)
Kirsten R.
“We are Santa’s Helpers!…. No, wait! Did you say “Helper”? You mean we were supposed to give away the gifts instead of opening them?”
“I think this is a better color for me… Do you think you could make a hat out of this, Mummy?”
Craig Ruff
My stepmother always makes me stay home and clean while my stepsisters get to go to the holiday ball.
One child got left behind.
Hear no evil, see no evil, do no evil … Act no evil!
Elf dogs reporting for duty….and so is Biff…not sure why we invited him.
Every party has a POOPER
Pffft…SAINT Nick!? I think he stood us up.
Those out of town cousins…
Cardboard tastes like Christmas! Or is it chicken I taste?
Don’t believe their looks of innocence. They helped me eat it.
Hi I’m Larry, these are my brothers Darryl, Darryl and Darryl.
oops, that should have been my brother Darryl, my other brother Darryl, and my other brother Darryl. (That’s from the Newhart Show for you younguns)
Natalie schoeny
I just want to be a dentist…
I didn’t know it was SANTA’S copier machine! This should teach me not to jump up on office equipment when elves are using it.
Apparently, I’m the ‘chocolate sheep’ of the family…
Hughie opened the presents while elves Louie, Stewie amd Fred watched. Alas, no dog treats in any of them, but Aunt Gladys wrapped up her cat again.
Three Labs in dunce caps…and a partridge in a pear tree.
Vicki Clark
Having flunked out of Lab Elf Training, Bob is forced to make ends meet as a UPS delivery dog.
Mrs Marles
Suckers. I already ate the treats they’re begging for.
Pinta's People
UV light required to read my o-pee-on-ated comment on the foolish looking dogs to my left
And I’M supposed to be ashamed for REFUSING to wear a hat?!
Ash Sin
I’m the brown sheep of the family
Just going to go ahead and eat this naughty list while the decoy elves stand guard.
The vet says we’ll see my hat again in a few days
Don’t ask how they got the hats….
John Barkin
No one told me it was formal….
Sorry Whoville, we ate the roast beast!
Heidi Wolin
I am the smart one, I am holding out for the Santa hat!
Ann brackett
Who let the dogs out? Santa said we could lead the sleigh tonight….
Gayle C
On the Third Day of Christmas my true love gave to me….3 retrieving elves to go after those 3 french hens that got away!
Gayle C
The triplets look like dad, I take after mother’s side of the family
Elise O
Laura Lux-Thompson
Hi, I’m Larry, and these are my brothers; Darryl, Daryl, and Darrel
Elves for rent
—>Ate the ornaments. Not three wise men, and not ashamed.
They never let me join in any reindeer games.
Sadie Powell
I’m the red-headed step-child no one ever wants to claim!
I refuse to cave and wear the stupid hat for the Christmas card picture. It’ll be fun they said…just for a minute they said…Last year I had to wear it all day…Bah Humbug.
I didn’t know there was a dress code at the doggie day care holiday party
I have an AWFULLY hard time keeping these three in line!
Anna B
We’re sorry we ruined your lives, and ate eleven cookies and the VCR.
I peed on the other reindeer so the only game i get to play is The Shame Game
Chris Norber
What am I? Chopped liver???
Christina Rivas
Will work for hat!
Buddy the Elf
My brothers call me a cotton headed ninny muggins.
This isn’t the Iditarod. I’m not pulling your sleigh, Big Guy!
Dayna B.
Clearly, we are NOT related! Please say you believe me.
Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa Laa….no way am I being Po!
Shelly Jones
Where’s my hat? Check the yard… day after tomorrow.
What do you mean Santa is a no-show? These super divas cost me three biscuits per hour!
I am FAR too dignified to wear a hat… so I ate it.
We ate the naughty list! Now our names must be on the nice list. George is just waiting for someone to fill in our dogshaming sign.
I unionized the House Elves.
Now we’re on strike.
Janet Anderson
Jingle Bell Routine
Take 1,346
(I am soooo hungry!)
On the fourth day of Christmas, my master gave to me: four Newfoundlands, three dunce hats, two shredded presents, and a backyard full of dog poo.
I’m making a list, I’m checking it twice, I’m gonna find out who’s naughty or nice.
Spring Dawn Reader Winnette
I don’t DO the holidays!
Donna Hartwiger
I’m not sure but I think I may be adopted!
My buddies went to the North Pole and all I got was this lousy piece of cardboard!
They never include me. It’s because I am brown, isn’t it?
No hat for me, Santa? Guess I was on the naughty list AGAIN, sigh….
Will work for food! And a special hat!
Angela Kau-Forsberg
We peed in the workshop, now we have to make the toys…
I didn’t know it was an ugly Christmas hat party!
They never let poor Rudolph join in any reindeer games.
Somebody’s gotta be the designated driver!
The one that’s laughing? He did it! The one that’s smiling? She encouraged him! The one that’s looking embarrassed? Well, I think he just farted!
Rudolph with your coat so brown won’t you just ignore these clowns?
Dog owner’s proverb #74: Fool me once by stealing food off the table, then shame on you. Fool me twice…then dress you up in embarrassing costumes and publicly shame you.
Has anyone seen my dreidel?
Yusuf Nasrullah
Meanwhile, a few lucky kittens are cleaning up the dogfood bowls back home!