Wally is SUCH a good boy, but he’s not very bright. When we adopted him, he was afraid of everything and everyone. He’s since become a well-adjusted dog…well he was so excited to see who rang the doorbell that he forgot the hallway door was shut. The only thing damaged was the door …. and Wally’s pride.
Poor baby. I just want to hug him and wobble his cheeks!
Ana Milanes
My thoughts exactly!
Lily H
Same, here! He looks so embarrassed.
Don’t worry Wally, my mastiff, StaffyX ran through a patio door screen!! Glad you are ok…
Laura greer
Wally I do the same thing all the time and my dog and cat laugh at me too. I feel your pain.
Spider's mum
Wally, we had a beautiful boy who was a bit of a low-watt bulb but we still loved him to bits. You’ve made my day. Glad you’re OK.
Poor guy!!!! He definitely deserves a hug.
Whenever my dog hits her head she look around, as if to check if anyone saw her do it.
So cute, Esme.
Julie, I totally agree with you! I don’t care what anyone says, you can see emotion on my dogs faces and their actions. We have a dacschund who had a horrible life before we rescued her. She is bi-polar (actually diagnosed and on meds for the disorder) and it is heartbreaking to watch her go through her down cycles and see the depression in her eyes. People who think dogs don’t have emotion are the ones who don’t consider their dog a family member. So sad for those poor babies to live in a house and not be a part of the family.
Awwww. Poor thing! I just want to hug him and snuggle him until he feels better. 🙁
Ochie D.
Virtual hugs and kisses for Wally!
This might be the cutest dog shaming posting. Like others have wrote, I want to hug Wally. I settle with knowing he has wonderful parents with a good sense of humor.