“I hide my medicine in my beard.” Oliver (8 years old, JRT/Maltese/Yorkie) HATES taking his thyroid medicine. We have tried EVERYTHING to make him ingest the tiniest little pill. We thought we had him beat when we put the pills in small slices of hot dog, but we soon discovered that he was separating the meat from the pill in his mouth and pushing the pill into his beard to dispose of in his room later.
Linda Hickey Bribiesca
Smart pup!!!!
c reeves
We had a little one who did same thing— then sil suggested ‘wrapping’ it in some cream cheese. Never had problem after that.
Mary Saunders Martorella
I put my little dog’s seizure medicine in a small piece of American cheese. I smoosh it in really good and he swallows it without fuss.
My big dog is impossible to pill too! I have to crush the pill between 2 spoons, and then mix it with beef or chicken broth and squirt it down her throat with an oral syringe. SUCH a pain! lol
we have a teacup Maltese who does this too. We now use baby bell soft swiss or brie cheese. it works like a charm!
I use the 3 tiered approach! One chunk of hot dog, one slightly smaller piece with the med in it, then a quick follow up with #3! They are too clever!
Erin Rawls
For my cat who has to take steriods for feline asthma, I crush the pills and mix it in with stage one meat babyfood and then put dabs of it at a time on his mouth since he won’t eat it on his own. then when he cleans his face he takes his meds….Works like a charm!
I’ve got a pill spitter too. Hide the pill in smooth peanut butter on a treat. Works every time.
Lopez and Matia's Mom
Wrap it in butter, slides right down. Lopez probably wondered why I gave gobs of butter twice a day and Matia had to have some too without the pill.
I had the same problem with my cat and was able to order the thyroid medicine in a liquid form to put on her wet food.
My JRT did the same……velveeta cheese works like a charm. Wrap the pill in a ball of Velveeta.
Our 2.5 year old little MalPoo mutt does not like to take any pill, med or vitamin. The pill-wrapped-in-cheese or peanut butter trick does not work with her. She is darn too smart. We have to either grind the pill into powder form then mix it in with her food, or wrap it with a thin slice of beef.
Smart boy, Oliver! Those terrier genes are showing! LOL
Peanut butter!
Liver Sausage, they get wild eyed about it and it is so strong tasting and smelly even the best spitter outter never even hesitates to scarf it down.
I second the liver sausage trick. My Yorkie spit out every pill until we buried it in liver sausage. He would do ANYTHING for liver sausage. Doesn’t even know the pill is in there.
My mom had a Rotti mix that would never take a pill. Even the vets couldn’t get her to take one! I have since discovered Pill Pockets, can even get my cat to eat them!
I feel ya….
My terrier fights whenever she has to take a pill. It doesn’t matter what the pill is hidden in, she won’t touch it. Cheese? Nope. Peanut Butter? Won’t touch it. Mixed in with freshly BBQed steak? She skillfully eats around it (even Heartgard doesn’t stand a chance). Greenie pill pockets? LOL no. The worst ones are the gel-caps with the little granules in them that dissolve when they get wet….i get more of the pill absorbed through my skin that she does!
They’re tricky little buggers!
Our elderly dog will only take her bitter pain pills if I microwave a decent sized pinch of shredded cheese for about 10 seconds until it’s a melty blob, lay the pill on top, fold the cheese in around the pill, and the roll the whole thing into a sealed ball. She swallows the ball whole, and the outside never touches the pill, so it only tastes like warm, semi melted cheese.
I use mini vanilla oreos. Open it up, smush the pill in the cream filling, down it goes. Only works for small pills though.
Roo Roos
I agree with the peanut butter trick. Wrap a glob of peanut butter around the pill. They can’t spit it out cause it gets stuck to the roof of their mouth… Works on my pup every time..
Crazy CLEVER old man!
I work at a pet store and we sell pill pockets. They’re meaty treats that you put the pill in and they eat it right up.