Whenever we sweep, Kayper takes the opportunity to lie in the pile of just swept-up debris (composed mostly of her hair) the moment our backs are turned. We think she likes making a bed out of dirt and dust bunnies.
Sign reads: “I love helping with chores… I’m best at laying in the pile of dirt (and my hair) you just swept up! -Kayper
(This way I can spread it back through the house) “
Lol, such a dog thing!
the floors are in great shape, you must be always sweeping, Kayper just wants you to rest and relax.
What a cute name! She just wants to make sure you’re doing it right.
Sadie Powell
My JRT likes to do the same thing…he snuffles thru the pile, spreading it all around, and often eats the fluff-balls. Yuck!!
A Brittany? Life is a neverending quest for hair containment and removal. Ours likes to try to eat it! Yuck.
My Brittany does the exact same thing. It drives me crazy every time and you’d think I’d learn by now.