Came home from a flying lesson pleasantly surprised to find that skip had not destroyed anything significant. My bubble of joy was burst when I walked over to his bed to find my Littmann stethoscope in 2+ pieces. “I ate dad’s $200 stethoscope”
Came home from a flying lesson pleasantly surprised to find that skip had not destroyed anything significant. My bubble of joy was burst when I walked over to his bed to find my Littmann stethoscope in 2+ pieces. “I ate dad’s $200 stethoscope”
Antonia Litsinger
He just wants to play veterinarian.
I keep my Littmann Cardiology scope in my dresser drawer… my Dexter gets REALLY mad when I leave the house without him!
I don’t think this is dog shaming, I think this is a white wine.
Georgia's Mom
a good quality stethoscope for a practicing physician will cost that much, this is not a white wine.
Don’t you mean, “White WHINE?” The other would be the drink…
Our dachshund got one of my husband’s Master Cardiology scopes. The good news is you can send it in for tubing replacement at a lesser cost than replacing it……
Jen S.
Awwww come on, he wanted to be JUST LIKE DAD and be a Doctor!! 😀
corgi's rock
Aw, look at those eyes. He’s sorry your upset dad. He just missed you while you were gone and wanted to be close to you. Maybe it was your yummy ear wax on it. Thats love baby.
Doxiemama, it’s true just replacing the tubing is cheaper, but that diaphragm looks punctured. Wouldn’t be surprised if he ate the bell too.
Helen Emory
Best brand of stethoscope
Had similar experience a few years ago, but the felon was my cat. Raymond actually ate more and spent the next three days throwing up pale blue tubing on the carpets!!!