Memphis, my 8 year old German Shepherd is laying in what remains of my daughter’s Halloween stash. Memphis went into my daughter’s room, removed the pumpkin candy bag (pictured behind Memphis) from my daughter’s play table, carried it into another room and ate EVERY LAST PIECE including a KING size Hershey Bar. Conservative estimates are that she ate about a pound and a half of candy and chocolate. The vet is still amazed that she didn’t die!
Ashlee Rose Edens
shows no guilt
looks like she unwrapped it first 🙂
Naughty Memphis – glad she is Ok!
Well Memphis has good Oral hygiene. She managed to eat a tube of toothpaste after all the candy. Look by her left front paw.
maybe the reason she looks like a zombie is from allllll the candy!
What happened to her ears? Was she that ashamed?
well memphis thanks for the reminder to keep the candy out of reach of my little pooches.
Was the little trick or treater going to share with her? So you can’t get too mad at her.
At least the toothpaste is out to brush with afterwards… don’t need any cavities…
my 4 dogs♥
Glad she’s ok! She looks happy! ♡
Roo Roos
Wait for it, wait for it… Get ready with cleaner and rags…
Your not kidding .. As they say in the Army .. INCOMING !! (or in this case .. OUTGOING !)
Dee Severe
Glad she is okay! A friend of mine’s dog ate a box of Godiva and it totally messed up her liver, she was really sickly for the last 2 years of her life….
Gina Collins
I’m glad she is ok, she does look a little ashamed of herself!
We got home after shopping for our NYE party….. Only to find Earl Bulldog standing on the dining room table with his face in my crystal candy bowl full of snickers, Reese’s cups, and 3Muskateers. He was okay, and the backyard was decorated with beautiful Christmas colored foil for the next few weeks,
10 to 1 odds he was standing there with a big grin on his face .. “What? Who me? Not me .. It was the cat”
Our dog did this a couple years back! Had lovely foil-studded poo for several days. Luckily, the chocolate candies were cheap (i.e., not dark chocolate), and our pooch was fine. 🙂