Sign: “1/2 dozen chocolate cupcakes and hydrogen peroxide… not a fun day”
Paisley is our yellow lab who loves to eat. So much, she swiped some delectable chocolate cupcakes for breakfast off the kitchen counter when no one was looking. The vet said that was a big ‘no, no’… after some fizzy medicine, Paisley’s tummy didn’t feel so well. Was her gluttonous act worth it? We’ll never know!
Editor’s note: Paisley’s mom is right, chocolate is very dangerous for your pooches. Please consult a vet before administering hydrogen peroxide to your pet as it induces vomiting (also, make sure you’re in a good spot to clean up as it can happen fast!)
Such a sweet face! !
Our 8 pound weenie dog once ate 6 mini loaves of chocolate pound cake. Silly dogs! Chocolate is NOT for you pups.
Lisa Davick Sartwell
Hug for Paisley!
There is NOTHING like a yellow Lab!!
Don’t forget the other Lab’s,
They are all great.
My lab mix would eat EVERYTHING! But the larger the dog the more chocolate they can tolerate so make sure you call your vet because you may not have to induce vomiting, depending on how much cocoa content the item had….
Ugh, been there! OUTSIDE WITH YOU! I feel your pain! Stinkers…
OMG! So pretty!
Francisco Cano
I’m not proud of it but I was distracted once and left a whole bag of Hershey kisses on the coffee table. My black lab bear ate the whole bag in the 45 seconds it took me to get a soda. On the plus side i know for about a week straight which poop was his at the dog park…it was shiny!
I had to do that but the issue was ground coffee…(Don’t ask) It was horrible hope your baby is feeling better now.
Anna Christie
Before we knew that chocolate was toxic to dogs our Golden ate an entire giant chocolate easter bunny, box and all. The only thing left was the plastic from the front of the box. Nothing happened to her. Which, now that I know how dangerous chocolate is to dogs, can only mean that those bunnies are not made with much chocolate, if any!
Came home one night to find that my two collies had eaten a whole bag of chocolate covered coffee beans! No ill effects, but they were spun!! Crazy time at the dog park that night!
Oh Linda the image of two hyped on chocolate coffee dogs made me lol!!!
T F Sims
What a bummer. I had a Lab who ate brownies and everything else.
Mitchel J. Schapira
The cupcakes were definitely bad for her. But the peroxide made this Black Lab look adorable.