This is Maymo’s picture from the Dog Shaming book. Maymo’s owner just put the finishing touches on his latest instalment of The ultimate dog shaming part 2!! Wait til the end to see some of the funniest costumes I’ve ever seen.
This is Maymo’s picture from the Dog Shaming book. Maymo’s owner just put the finishing touches on his latest instalment of The ultimate dog shaming part 2!! Wait til the end to see some of the funniest costumes I’ve ever seen.
Maymo rocks!
I’m sorry, I think this dog is cute, but the staged situations bother me to the point that I cringe whenever I see this dog’s name.
Sadie Powell
I love M A Y M O!!! I have never owned such a compliant animal, but I’m pretty sure I would tick off the ultra-sensitive crowd myself if I could!! Lighten up people!
Mad Cat Laydee
I have the same teddy bear. He is now 52 ( a tiny bit older than me!)