I may lack Eyes and Opposable Thumbs, but I can still open Cabinet Doors & Eat Garbage. Harry lost his eyes as a pup from Glaucoma. Obviously he still gets around okay.
I may lack Eyes and Opposable Thumbs, but I can still open Cabinet Doors & Eat Garbage. Harry lost his eyes as a pup from Glaucoma. Obviously he still gets around okay.
Linda Hickey Bribiesca
Sweet boy!!! Good for him!!! <3
Deirdre H.
What a handsome boy! LOVE!
Sharon Lyons
aw go Harry!! good dude, you are inspiring buddy ♥
Awww…what a sweetie 😀
Davia Jackson
What a handsome fellow! Yayyyy Harry!
Harry: the canniest dog on the internet. What a clever boy!
Harry is soooo cute!
Mari Detto
Harry, put on your cape and use that super power for the good of mankind! If terrorists ever try to smuggle a full garbage can into the country you could save us all <3
OMG! LOVE HIM! what a sweet face! and no shame 🙂
It is amazing what animals can do with a handicap. I have a one-eyed Pug, and he doesn’t know he is different. He gets around great and is the best little dog I have ever had! Go, Harry!!
Maarten D
Yay, Harry! Showing us that you don’t need sight to hang with the best of them.
Gerald Murray
Thank God for folks who overlook handicaps and give these special pups love and a home.
DITTO! Harry is my hero! And a Cutie Petutie to boot! 🙂
Yea Harry’s Mom & Dad!! Every fur baby needs a loving home!
Bless you for taking care of him. Lots of people wouldn’t want a dog that couldn’t see. He looks well loved and happy!
Awesome Harry for being such an inspiration and a teacher of unconditional love. Dogs don’t depend on their eyes for vision. It’s their sense of smell and hearing and their incredible sense of self “I can do anything with less as long I am cared and loved” 🙂
What a perfect observation. They are so much more evolved than we could ever hope to be.
To the owners of this fantastic dog-God bless you!!
What an adorable dog!! Glad to know his lack of eyes doesn’t mean a lack of bad doggedness!
Eileen Dominick Long
Harry, you are a rock star!
dorie brady
He is a very pretty dog. Love that face.
kathy erickson
love to see that he doesn’t know what he doesn’t know.. unlike people .. he has no handicap.. he has extra sharp senses!! go baby go!
Beautiful Harry, wonderful owners!
Awe Harry! You’re so cute, glad you have a great life, I hope it’s a long healthy one!!!
my 4 dogs♡
I love Harry!!!
Go Harry! Our senior weenie lost an eye to glaucoma and is mostly blind in the other due to SARDS. He also is a cabinet opener and trash thief. Keep on keeping on, Harry. Disabled dogs rock!
Love Freely!
Harry is a Super Hero!! There was probably something dangerous in the trash… a banana peel, an almost empty peanut butter jar…
P.S. cutest little boy!!!
Aww, how young was he? Mine lost her left eye around age 7 to glaucoma. It was tested & found to be congenital, so I have to give her drops in her other eye to hopefully ward off the glaucoma.