Every time Alfie is naughty he roles onto his back and gives us his cutest puppy face so we don’t have the heart to tell him off.
This time he chewed up one of my hair products……but got away with it……how could anyone be angry at that sad little face
Awww Alfie is sooooooo cute! one of mine does that too, he is 13 years old and it still works every time.
awwwwww 😀 Smart Alfie!! 😛
He’s so cute, my cat does the same thing
He should pee a little, too… :/
Ana Clara
Don’t all dogs do that??
Nope, mine definantly stares at me and dares me to say something about it. Ah, the life a terrier owner!
That sweet baby! He should never get in trouble for anything, ever! He’s adorable.
Such forgiveness routinely runs rampant in our household!
Amanda Long
My wiener dog does the same thing!
Roanna Ossege-Martin
I TOTALLY forgive him for everything he has ever done or is even thinking about doing.
How can you not forgive him with a belly like that just demanding a tickle! Such a cutie
I’m going to try that….
“What’s it all about, Alfie?” What a sweetheart.
T F Sims
That is one smart and cute puppy dog!
Stacy Meyer
I used to have a dachshund named Alfie. He did the same thing.
Aw – what a cute face you have, Alfie! My hound does the same thing when he has been a stinker, and he also does it when it is time to go inside and he doesn’t want to. Distraction by belly rub!
Is that a Brussels Griffon baby? His face looks like mine (now 11 years) and Tai Ni STILL pulls this ploy at every opportunity.
Cute AND smart!
Smash Lynn
First off, that face is just too cute for words….. Secondly, Daniel Aflredsson of the Ottawa Senators (well, now he is with Detroit….jerk) is my favorite hockey player so Alfie scores many points in my book!
My beagle does the same thing!!
therese (@tmaeee)
Aww what is Alfie’s breed? Anyone have any idea?