Poor Circus has to wear a cone-of-shame for a couple of days…they happened to give us one that is TARDIS blue…Sad little doggy with such a nerdy moms 🙂
Poor Circus has to wear a cone-of-shame for a couple of days…they happened to give us one that is TARDIS blue…Sad little doggy with such a nerdy moms 🙂
I love it! Great Nerdy Moms!
Are you kidding me! he has the best mommies!
a Whovian dog…. brilliant!
Love it! All of Circus’ doggy friends will be so jealous – this is the ultimate cone of shame!
Go nerd moms!!
I’ve never seen one that was colored before. You’re blocking so much of his peripheral vision without it being clear.
Seriously?? If you’ve ever had a dog with a “clear” cone (and mine has had three in 12 months) they can see jack via peripheral vision. It’s like their head is on a swivel.
And go Circus’ moms – love your sense of humour and can only imagine that Circus is loving all the extra attention that being an adorable Tardis wearing pooch must bring 🙂
It’s the Cone of the Time Lord.
Nikki that is too funny. Duke feels bad for Circus.
Circus's Nerdy Mom
Haha thanks Nikola! This is from when he got attacked a few months ago… It just took a long time for them to put it up. He is fine now 🙂
mea culpa
This wins on so many levels… a dog called “Circus”! Tardis (tardics) cone… yay! 🙂
Hey! It IS bigger on the inside!
GOD .. I LOVE IT .. Did they make it or buy it ? My dog needs one .. just to humor me .. hehe
I love it. I wonder if it comes in cat sizes? HA HA
never use comic sans