Reverse Dog Shaming Contest: Maltese Therapy | Dog Shaming My Portugese Water Dog and my Maltese and Bichon have a special relationship. Order your dogshaming book here!!!
carla morgan September 22nd, 2013 They worked very hard for this and for some of the little guys who are rescues it was very hard. They really do love each other and the big guy is the baby so they look out for him. Reply
Sassie's mom
adorable picture
This is so hilarious, sweet, and cute! ♡
Whitney Nanni
I vote for these guys! So cute!
carla morgan
They worked very hard for this and for some of the little guys who are rescues it was very hard. They really do love each other and the big guy is the baby so they look out for him.
Claudia Stouffer
Too cute!
Vickie Huska
I look forward to seeing them each and every Tuesday 😉
very cute family!