When Diesel was 4 months old he was run over by a car (twice!). Smushed was an understatement! They didn’t think he’d live overnight but now he’s almost 7 years old!! He is mom’s miracle baby. It still brings tears to her eyes to think of that day. He definitely got some gnarly battle scars but he bring so much love and joy to everyone he meets! He needed months of daily vet visits and ICU stays before he was ready to run at the dog park again. He’s a trooper and mom’s furry best friend to say the least!
Lucky Diesel 🙂 so happy for him and his family
Ferne Harasimiw
You are a wonderful family. Sticking together.
How lucky he is to have you!
I love your ears!
Chris Geary
OMG.. what a beautiful little boy! So glad you gave him the chance to show you what he was made of.. and he can repay you with many years of true love and devotion!
Muffy's Mum
Oh poor little guy! The same thing happen to my two Cavaliers who were 18 months at the time, it was one of the worst days of my life and still makes me cry thinking about it. Her litter sister Milly unfortunately didn’t make it but Muffy had surgery and made an amazing recovery. She is 7 now too.
Ahhh, such a sweetie. He has a strong will to live for his family.
Sounds like Mom and Dad have two things .. A check book and Bigger Hearts
.. And he paid them back with LAL interest ! (Licks & Love)
Chris C Anderson
I know that little guy.