I have 2 border collies…so double the herding. People, Lawn mowers and vacuum cleaners are on their list. They even surround my car and herd it into the garage!
Years ago I had an Australian Shepherd that would crouch in the herding position and creep toward oncoming dogs every time I took her for a walk. It was so embarrassing!
When we were kids (and still to this day) my aunt had collie dogs. My favorite was a sable colored one. He and her shepherd dog used to chase us kids around the house and if we couldn’t jump onto the sofa fast enough we would get nipped in the butt! Both dogs are now long gone but we still chuckle about it.
I just turned 80 and have had BC’s since I was 12. They are best animals in the world. I just saw a video of one playing Jenga, pulling blocks out with its teeth. What a mind!!!!!!! Sad to say I had to put the last one down 2 years ago. Don’t dare get another because it will out live me.
Jennifer Dokes
hahahaha that’s cute. There’s a cattle dog at the park that tries to herd all the dogs while they are playing. It is too cute.
Jazz must herd. So she will take what she can get! Way to go!
Sue B
My Border Collie/Lab mix herds people in our pool.
My stepsister’s border collie would try to herd all of us kids — literally nipping our ankles to ensure all kids were in one corner of the backyard.
Our parents eventually signed her up for twice weekly sheep herding – yes! They exist!! – lessons.
My Aubrey likes to try to herd me by wrapping her leash around my legs.
I have 2 border collies…so double the herding. People, Lawn mowers and vacuum cleaners are on their list. They even surround my car and herd it into the garage!
Years ago I had an Australian Shepherd that would crouch in the herding position and creep toward oncoming dogs every time I took her for a walk. It was so embarrassing!
When we were kids (and still to this day) my aunt had collie dogs. My favorite was a sable colored one. He and her shepherd dog used to chase us kids around the house and if we couldn’t jump onto the sofa fast enough we would get nipped in the butt! Both dogs are now long gone but we still chuckle about it.
My BC herds our cat 24/7, and the vacuum cleaner, and the broom, the list goes on and on!
Jazz needs to herd her dad into the kitchen to make her a steak dinner.
When my mother’s Sheltie/Collie was a puppy, there was one particular bush in her front yard that he constantly to tried to herd.
Marie and Barry Fornuto dba Wild Rose Antiques
I just turned 80 and have had BC’s since I was 12. They are best animals in the world. I just saw a video of one playing Jenga, pulling blocks out with its teeth. What a mind!!!!!!! Sad to say I had to put the last one down 2 years ago. Don’t dare get another because it will out live me.