We sent the awesome guys at Awkward Family Photos an advance copy of our book. Their rescue dog Din-Din really really liked it! In fact, he liked it so much he ate it.
If you think your dog would love the dogshaming book as much as Din Din did, you can preorder it here!! Any book ordered before September 24th will get you a bunch of free dogshaming swag!
I had a dog like this once. He chewed the last 10 pages of The Stand to shreds…… sigh.
Guess he didn’t like the ending. Everybody’s a critic.
Jan Tadeo
Ditto, except mine chewed up the last part of “The Shining” My friend was keeping my dog, and I’d loaned him the book. I guess the dog didn’t like the fact he was being ignored for a Stephen King book! My friend had to go buy another copy of the book to finish it.
Mojo's mama
He should definitely be on the first page of the next Dog Shaming book.
Din Din had the book for din din, lol. What a handsome boy
My Brittany’s favorite author was Scott Turow. She ate “Burden of Proof” twice.