Ever since Zoot was a puppy he has thoroughly enjoyed humping anyone new he meets, humans not dogs. If I hug someone he joins in and starts humping! Nothing like making a first impression on your new boss by having your dog begin to hump him…
Ever since Zoot was a puppy he has thoroughly enjoyed humping anyone new he meets, humans not dogs. If I hug someone he joins in and starts humping! Nothing like making a first impression on your new boss by having your dog begin to hump him…
QueenMab99 (@QueenMab99)
Naughty, NAUGHTY Zoot! (lol – great name!)
ahahahaha! GREAT comment, QueenMab99. From a Monty Python fan.
Kristen Hudson
My Emily has a stuffed cow “Humphrey” she love to get busy with in front of new people!
As embarrassing as humping is, it’s not sexual. My dog, Zoe, used to hump our legs when she was younger. It’s a sign of dominance. When she’d do that, we’d grab her scruff until she’d stop.
My dog Mabel (yorkie) humps cushions and soft toys. Continually.
Whatya doing hugging your new boss anyway, LOL.
My bf gave me a huge stuffed bunny one year Easter. As soon as my dog saw it he started humping it, it’s been his girlfriend for the last 8 years. Lol
Ohhhh MOM, don’t take it so serious. . . its kind of a game I play. LOL
While I’m lucky that my dogs do not do this, I have a friend whose female dog did this continually to her and guests of the house. She finally broke her of doing it, by firmly telling her no, removing her leg from her, and tapping her on the nose to let her know she did not approve. Eventually, she began to see that her dog had habits she would do before humping and she began telling her no before she began to hump her. She finally broke her of it…most of the time