Frank is about to go BACK ON CRAIGSLIST!
Editor’s Note: Frank’s owners love this little guy to bits even though he barks at imaginary deer and destroys the couches. Don’t worry, he’ll never end up on craigslist. π
Frank is about to go BACK ON CRAIGSLIST!
Editor’s Note: Frank’s owners love this little guy to bits even though he barks at imaginary deer and destroys the couches. Don’t worry, he’ll never end up on craigslist. π
Karen M Holsinger
awwwww i want him hes precious!
I tell my dog I’m going to sell her on eBay or make doggie stew when she’s naughty. That’s the joy of having a pet, you can say stuff like that and they won’t be traumatized. If you said that to a kid you’d get visited by CPS.
Love it! Agreed!
LOL That’s too funny…and true!! hahaha
Haha — don’t be so sure you can’t say stuff like that to your kids! My mom has told me that when my (older) brother was an infant and couldn’t understand words yet (AKA when she was a new mom), and he was driving her nuts, she would coo at him in the typical “baby voice” that she wanted to put him in the garbage disposal as a way to vent her frustration without upsetting him. She’s a fabulous mother and she obviously didn’t mean it, but sometimes you CAN get away with doing it to kids too (without traumatizing us)! π
Anita Ramirez
Ha.. ha…
My Beagle does the same things. Delaney waits til I am concentrating on something then he barks like Freddy Kruger is coming through the door. Making me either flie 5 feet in the air (if Im in the room) or run from wherever else I am in the house. (to find him sitting comfortably on a chair, no where near a window or door.) and he LOVES to rip fabric apart. I buy baby blankets by bulk at the dollar store to keep him from destroying my stuff.
Dante's mom
I tell my doggies the same thing when they are naughty. My husband makes a crying noise and runs over and hugs the dogs, and tells me Bad Mommy!
LOL I also has a friend who tells his bulldog that he’s too expensive (vet bills) and he’s going to put him on the street. Bully happily wags is butt and begs for treats.
Lisa Kendall
cute. my boyfriend is “bros” with my dog too. and he is MY dog…they team up on you when you arent looking!…i’m tellin’ ya. π
We threaten to turn our cocker spaniels into fuzzy bath mats or toilet seat covers… π
Christina Orlowski
Don’t worry my dogs do the same thing. I’ve been through two sofas soon to be three and a mattress. Then I look at them and no matter how mad I am they just kiss my face and cuddle me. I may not be rich, but I’ll sit/sleep on any floor as long as I get to keep them.
I’m glad I’m not a bad mom just because I threaten to put mine out by the curb with a sign. I’d never do that, and they KNOW that, they equate it with going for a walk and act excited. Maybe they do know what I’m saying…?? …hmm…
Frank is a handsome guy, and hopefully he’ll outgrow this before you run out of furniture.
Anita Ramirez
Well…. that is called… you own a BEAGLE…. ha.. ha…
Hannah Jordan
God isn’t that the truth. My beagle destroyed everything as a pup. I tell him and the other three babies that they can go back to the pound and it wouldn’t hurt my feelings! Really i couldn’t ever do it though. π Cause they’re my babies.
My parents and I tell our two labs we’re going to give them a “Homeless” sign and drop them off somewhere far from our house because they are naughty. They’d also get $100 as a parting gift to be used for food and shelter. Of course we just get blank looks from them. LOL.
lol Too funny
We always threaten to turn our dog into a pelt, which is a solid threat because she’d be a beautiful pelt, but somehow she knows we don’t have the goods to back it up. Frank is cute, btw.
Sometimes I’ll ask my doggies, in an excited voice, “Ya wanna go to the vet and get put to sleep??” And they’ll jump up and down and wag their tails like we’re going to the park. Someday it may come true, but for now, it’s a harmless way to get them all excited and happy. Yes, I’m going to hell.
my mom used to say that same thing…I wonder if we are related???
He looks sorry poor baby :(((
My husband threatens to turn one of our dogs into a rug when he’s bad
susan benevich
I have thought the very same thing about my 7 month old puppy I got off Craigslist 4 months ago from a lovely young girl who claimed, simply, that she didn’t know how hard puppies were. I began to think it was a sentiment very specific to THIS (now MY) puppy. Thankfully, these days, I’m beginning to be charmed by her antics and misdeeds. Eventually we all love our pups for better or worse!
Amy Cohoen
My mom used to tell me she got me at Gimbel’s basement (the bargain floor at an old Philadelphia department store), and if I kept it up, she would return me.
I call my horse Alpo when he’s being naughty.
I adore Beagles. When our princessly mutt refuses to eat her cooked veggies (no problem eating treats made of veggies!) I sometimes would tell her, “There are dogs who don’t get to eat let alone home cook meals. Wanna go back to the pound?” She would ignore me because she was not even a shelter dog. We rescued her from a family who no longer wanted her.
Pucker Up
I routinely threaten to turn my gorgeous, funny, obnoxious, spoiled brat beagle…that I’m going to skin her alive and wear her as a coat. She laughs at me. Laughs I tell you!!
When my JRT is bad my husband tells him how he is going to take him for a looooooonnnnngggg ride and let him out of the car……over my dead body! It will happen to the hubby before it happens to my baby!
lol! I tell 3 of my doxies and 2 cats they are on their way to the shelter all the time….lol