15 Responses to “Obi TP”

  1. Simone

    in the UK, we have Andrex toilet paper which actually uses a puppy like him on their packaging… he probably feels it is his duty 😉

    • Hellen Baker

      Exactly what I thought when I saw him. An Andrex Puppy has to do what an Andrex puppy has to do!! Mum must have been working because there isn’t a thing on the Internet able to compete with that overwhelming level of cuteness!


    Even if it was him, it sure look’s like a lot of puppy fun was had.

    But in his defense, it was the darn cat !

  3. Pauline

    Oh Lordi, we have the same here in Australia – cute lab puppies do ads for T.P.
    It must be in his nature! Too cute!

  4. Heidi's Mom

    That puppy is just following the ads. In the United States they sell the paper under the name Contonelle. I actually bought the brand once just because my daughter likes the puppy on the package.


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