Holy Monty! | Dog Shaming I ate Daddy’s rosary so now I have to say a “Hail Mary” every time we find a bead.
bobbie Grumbling August 28th, 2013 OH MY GOSH! This just cracked me up so much….poor little pup….there are a whole lotta beads on a rosary! Gonna look might sad for quite some time! Reply
peg August 28th, 2013 Love this! Had to share – along with the fact that the obedience part of the rosary maybe hasn’t taken effect! Reply
mvz76 August 28th, 2013 One of the best posts! I bet he also had to go to confession…mea culpa, indeed! BTW: there are 53 “Hail Mary” beads, 6 larger “Our Father” beads and a cross…he’s going to be “praying” for awhile…. Reply
Laurie August 28th, 2013 Oh my…50 Hail Marys! Sounds like the penance I got at confession as a kid. Reply
Best dog-shaming ever!
R O F L ! ! !
bobbie Grumbling
OH MY GOSH! This just cracked me up so much….poor little pup….there are a whole lotta beads on a rosary! Gonna look might sad for quite some time!
I agree with worldsosweet! Wittiest I have ever seen!
Love this! Had to share – along with the fact that the obedience part of the rosary maybe hasn’t taken effect!
Brings new meaning to “HOLY $H!T”
mea culpa
I just laughed loud enough to draw attention…
Trixie that was a great comment.
Very funny!!!
I see a new bright halo over his head !
One of the best posts! I bet he also had to go to confession…mea culpa, indeed! BTW: there are 53 “Hail Mary” beads, 6 larger “Our Father” beads and a cross…he’s going to be “praying” for awhile….
Ana Clara
Way to go Trixie!!!! ROFL The best EVER!!!
Oh my…50 Hail Marys! Sounds like the penance I got at confession as a kid.
O M G…… This is too funny!!!
Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.