I ripped the leash away to chase a skunk. Dad lunged after me and fell. The skunk squirted him in his eyes and up his nostrils. He vomited and threw up in the neighbor’s driveway, and couldn’t find me because he was blinded for several minutes. I got a trip to the groomer the next day, that’s why I look so fine. Dad took a “skunk day” off work.
You little stinker!
Hydrogen Peroxide worx for the pet but….sorry Dad!!! Shoulda had a stronger leash! Haha!
Teddy's Mom
Poor Dad!
OMG… I’m sorry Dad but that’s the funniest thing I’ve heard in an age! Keep up the fine work Milo.
I have to agree with Sue,that really is funny (but of course it didn’t happen to me) so it is funny.Sorry Dad you were in the line of fire
Milo, you must be stronger than you look to rip the leash out of your Dad’s hand.
Never trust a Michigan Skunk! lol
So sorry but I had to laugh
Sorry. This made my day!!!!
Your dad must love you a lot to dive in front of you to save you from being skunked straight on.
Ugh, my Sheltie mix got skunked back in June, and it was seriously the most foul smell ever. It’s totally different from road kill skunk, it burns your nose and throat. My poor dog STILL has a trace scent on his face. Even after multiple concoctions and specialized skunk shampoo. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. I imagine the owner will never really have that odor out of his mind!
Good thing you’re so cute!
Hugh McDiarmid
Here’s the story: http://www.freep.com/article/20130324/COL44/303240146/Jim-Schaefer-A-few-minutes-with-A-guy-you-can-call-a-real-stinker
Terrierized x 2
OMG, what a story! One the grandkids will hear about. Milo, you’re a wee darling rascal.
Oh no! Too funny.
i want to snuggle with milo he’s so darn cute!
OMG. I was crying. Soooo funny! Milo is so very cute!
Same thing almost happened to me on a late night walk with our 13 lbs Yorkie mutt (yup, the same one in the profile picture). He got sprayed instead. We had the unfortunate task of bathing the stinker and lived with his stinkiness daily for one week. I am sure he is still chasing cats and skunks up in dog heaven. Bless him.
graaff (@graaff)
Always saw skunks on tv and wondered what the smell was like. Nothing on earth will prepare you for the actual event taking place.
I would be more interested in seeing a photo of Dad after his lovely adventure…
Oh I have to say this made my day. Sorry dad but it made me laugh. I have a Yorkie also and I can so see her doing this and she is 13 and blind, but still a spitfire.She can make my 70 pound Golden mix drop down to the floor in a nanosecond.
i couldn’t stop laughing. Of course, I have never smelled a skunk, but it is so funny to hear your story.
My huskies cornered a skunk. Echo had the skunk by the neck and was shaking it like a doll and Sirius was woofing instructions. When Echo finally let go the skunk lifted its tail….but nada! The skunk was skunked out (though they did smell!). The skunk waddled away as I held my boys back with a broom. I did not get skunked but my staff was none too happy with me the next day!
I, too, must apologize at laughing at your pain. But oh my, your story telling made me laugh!