Here at the dogshaming household, we received a few advanced copies of the book!

How long do you think it took for him to destroy it? Click through to see!!

If your guess was approximately 10 minutes, you’re right!!
Thanks Beau, thanks a lot.
Pre-order your copy today before Beau eats them all!!
Sadie Powell
“The book” clickable thing didn’t work! Maybe you’re working on it right now?
oops, fixed! Thanks for the head’s up.
Is it possible to know if our dogs are in it?
Good job, Beau! You are living up to your reputation as the founding dog-shaming dog!
No coffee table version of the book?
You’ll probably need to keep the book on your kitchen table! I think the publishers made them ham-flavoured!!
Kay Jacoby
You now have one “personally shamed by Beau” . Start numbering them, and you can sell ’em for big bucks on ebay.
Take it out of his treat fund.
I suspect someon paid him to do it. There is dark knowledge in those eyes, waiting for the camera to leave…
aw, only for canada and usa? 🙁