This is Bruce. He is a nine year old JRT. He’s been growling at his own junk since he was a wee pup. Just short of the dog whisperer all other experts have no answers as to why he does what he does. He’s our special little guy.
This is Bruce. He is a nine year old JRT. He’s been growling at his own junk since he was a wee pup. Just short of the dog whisperer all other experts have no answers as to why he does what he does. He’s our special little guy.
Faye Shepherd
My ex-husband used to do the same thing…pretty harmless
I almost had an incident of diet coke flying out of my nose over that one!
You are so wrong Faye!!! LOL!
awesome. He was harmless? Or the growling?
so to faye is that what he is your x
Okay your comment made me spit out a mouthful of perfectly good coffee (laughing, of course)! Best comment of the week award to you.
I just spit soda ALL over myself ! Thanks for the laugh !!
thanks for the laugh!
My JRT growls when he is happy. Maybe Bruce is just happy, happy, happy.
Give him a cookie when he doesn’t growl at his wiener
faye shepard – I’m dying and I’m crying with laughter….
The owners indicate it has been checked out — with no one able to figure it out. Also, he’s been doing it for nine years. I’d think if it were something serious something else would have manifested during all those years.
Sometimes our beloved furry companions are… well…. just plain weird.
Sounds to me like hes got a case of Penis envy…
Tambra Galid
I used to groom a poodle that would check his penis to see if was still there after I cut his hair. Dogs are weird.
I had a dachshund/sheltie mix who, after you picked him up, rubbed his belly, basically touched him…he’d sneak a peek to make sure his stuff was still there. It was a running joke in our family.
“…growling at his own ‘junk’…” literally made me snort with laughter. In fact, I’m still giggling! Thanks!
Cuz n Mel
Woof, Woof; He only wants a mate, therefore , he’s attracting attention, hoping for results!
Derrel Thompson
sounds like a gender unhappiness issue… paint his nails and get him a pink collar , might help?
he is just happy go luck kind of guy 🙂
Just so it doesn’t escalate to biting!
Molly's Mum
Well played, Faye. well played 😀
Maybe it’s a female dog trapped in a male dog body, anyone ever consider that?
Omg Faye, I am hysterical. Best reply ever. Thank You for the laugh
my jrt mix regularly whips around and growls at her own butt. she’ll be walking down the street and suddenly, bam! butt-hate!
dogs are weird.
Here’s a possible reason: he’s farsighted and can’t see that it’s his own wang. “What’s this snake-like attacker?” Waddya think?
BEST dog shaming EVER!
maybe your dog is transgender.
My shar pei pit mix does the same thing. >.> i just spend an hour combing the web to see if anyone else has had the same thing happen. The only difference is that this is a new development.