Today, I ate a bag of chips, 2 loaves of bread and an apple pie off the kitchen counter. I’m in huge trouble.
Bigsby, the giant house donkey scarfed down half a week’s worth of groceries in the time it took mom to take a shower. He’s a huge (cute) jerk.
d moore
Mom should have put the stuff away first, dogs just think it is for them, he he.
Linda Gilly Knoblauch
Just a snack for a dog that size!
Mike Emmons
this is the first Pic i have seen on here that actually looked like a Mug Shot.
corgi's rock
Big boy was hungry. Poor thing. You gotta love the innocent look though.
Giant house donkey lolz 😀 he sure is a cute donkey 😛
Gail Hill
I’m a big boy and need lotsa food, duh
Giant House Donkey?! lol I Love it!! I might have to use that one…
Robert Connon
You are a big puppy you will handle the big trouble, just keep that look on your mug you will be fine.
JoAnn Irrgang
Bigsby, you should be ashamed!!! But I know you aren’t!!!
He’s a big boy with an appetite to match
“Ever consider what they must think of us? I mean, here we come back from a grocery store with the most amazing haul–chicken, pork, half a cow. They must think we’re the greatest hunters on earth!”
— Anne Tyler
Well, mom will stay in shape. 😉
“Bigsby” what an absolutely perfect name!!! LOL! Big fella!
How many kisses can that face get!!!
Bigsby, Sasha Bear our saint says rock on and good job! He also says this is the first time he’s seen a saint on dog shaming, I told him it is because saints are all angels…..;)
Elsabe Grobler
Wow, we have 2 of these “house donkeys” and luv them to bits.