Jack has a secret hiding place above the couch on the window sill. One of the rawhides fell behind…3 days ago…he’s been crying [LOUDLY] on the back of the couch ever since. 1 more day until I break down and rescue it so he’ll stop his dramatic mourning.
Nanina and Poppy
Jacks are such emotional dogs – a comment for everything they do! 😀
Melissa M Zavala Escontrias
Omgoodness my Jack “Molly” is such a drama queen as well,
Rebecca Johnson
I don’t care what they say Jacks do not forget where their “special” prize is. There could be 14 tennis balls hanging around and they want the one under a piece of furniture. I love every one of them though. They are sure special dogs.
Thank the Lord it’s not just my JRT, Lourdes, does this!
that’s what I was thinking.
I must have a really great Jack. He tries get one of the dachshunds to get his treasures from under the couch rather than bothering me. Guess he doesn’t realize how short their legs are compared to his legs;-)
With our Toy Fox Terrier, anything edible under the stove, the refrigerator, the couch, etc. will require his full attention and his paw swatting skills until either he retrieves the edible or we do! On a positive note, we have no dust “under” anything in our house!