When you have a new baby, sleep is a precious and fleeting thing- but Lavi, our three year old German Shepherd, makes it very clear she does not approve her Daddy going to work and leaving her behind and promptly awakens the household to inform us of her displeasure.
I totally sympathize. My Lab pup does the same! I’m sure I’m a big hit with the neighbors too…
Judi Alexander Cloutier
But look at that face! She is clearly very sorry!
Mary Fuller
Aww love her! She is saying, dont leave me with that screaming thing! Take me with you! 🙂
Awe…. Poor pooch. She’s no longer the baby anymore. She’s now channeling her inner toddler. I want to give her a hug.
I feel ya. I love them, but when they take a stand, there’s just no reasoning with them.
Aww, poor doggie! I bet the new baby has her freaked out.
Dungeonmaster Jim
The average GSD thinks any departure from him by a family member is a tragedy. And when you come home at night, they’re ridiculously happy to see you.
I sympathize, dog sitting for friends this week and Hanks stomach wakes him up at 6am, so then he has to wake me up. I’m not used to 6am.
Michaela @NPA
She’s such a beauty though!!!!!
Yep, she pretty much wants to be the baby of the house again! What a pretty, guilty face 😀