We are currently looking for 2 bedroom houses in north Seattle. not an easy thing this time of year and so we were considering bending on our requirement for a yard for George. When we came home and told our third roommate he played coy and wagged his tail at first, but when we looked away he took his chance and snatched it off of the table.
Smart boy!
Awwww. Hang in there for the yard he says. Paleeeez.
smart pooch
sassie's mom
Is input is important! Totally agree – smart boy!
You go George!
If he doesn’t have a yard…..beware of how he’ll act out in the house. Better take him on lots of walks and to the park where he can play. Good luck on house hunting.
Awwww he disapproves! 😀
Smart puppy! By the way we have a rescue dog that looks just like him and we can’t figure out what breed she is. Can you tell me what breed George is?
lisa b
that’s what happens when you teach your dog to read. he just goes behind your back with evil intent!!
subtle George….very subtle. well played.
Oh my goodness – I had this exact problem this summer (in north Seattle too!). It unfortunately did not work out, yard-wise. Serious empathy to both you and George!