Mia and Bear are two Borkies that love and enjoy being outdoors. The only problem is that one of these little dogs is high maintenace and prefers to do her business in private. So if you are walking or running by us when we are outside don’t expect Mia to degrade herself in front of you! She likes to wait until her Mommy leaves for work and then goes in the privacy of her own home! Oh Mia!
Keith b
how we trained my dog we got her. cage with a movable wall and made it barely big enough for her we put her in it 1 night and she knew where she would go if she was bad she hasn’t done it inside
Ann P
How about wee wee pads? They’ve saved my carpet from my Chiweenie.
My pup, Popcorn, who looks like these two, would shred the fresh wee wee pads when we would place down & then proceed to relieve herself next to the freshly shredded wee wee pads. We finally got her trained to sit by the door & we know when she does that it means “Momma/Daddy, I gotta go NOW!”
ciara c
LOL… my pup Oreo is the same way, he pees outside without a problem but when it comes to doing #2, he comes inside our home and goes on our bathroom floor. I guess he needs his privacy.
Sandra Van Der Sluijs
A borkie is a mix of a yorkie and a ……?
mix between a yorkie and a bichon.
I believe.