Henry is the sweetest dog in the world, but probably the worst dog in the world too. He eats anything and everything and destroys pretty much everything he comes into contact with. He ate an entire loaf of pumpernickel bread that he took off the kitchen counter. Nobody got any sleep that night. I’ve never smelled anything so awful. It’s a good thing he’s so cute!
yup, he is cute! It’s easy to forgive all their sins when they are so adorable.
very cute guy, love the spots.
poor henry!
Is Henry TH a cattle dog mix? I have one that looks like him. He’s either an angel or a devil.
Yes, he’s at least 1/2 Australian Cattle Dog. We’re not sure what else he has in him, other than pumpernickel. 😉
He’s a real little darling, we had a heeler, my son has one and our Ringo is part heeler!
Heelers are the best! Henry has terrible separation anxiety and that’s why he’s such a bad dog, but he’s an amazing family dog. We love him very much. 🙂
He looks SO much like our Sabine, who’s also part blue heeler or cattle dog, right down to those eyes. If he’s young, he’ll likely outgrow some of that destructiveness–she has. She’s 10 now, and is the sweetest dog you could ask for.
I have a cattle dog/red heeler that has the same ashamed look. He will get better the older he gets but separation anxiety is one of their things because they are so loyal and loving. Lots of exercise will help.