Colby Creek is a 6 month old male beagle, from New Leash on Life Inc. in Ashville, NY current on all vaccinations, neutered and looking for a great beagle home. He requires a fenced yard, gets along great with dogs, cats and kids! For more information on this adorable boy, click here!
awwwwww he loves that Tiger, alright! 😀 hope you get adopted with that tiger, little guy! 🙂
Adopt a puppy…get a free tiger!
Great incentive! 🙂
that face…I am so sad right now that I can’t have a dog…
The link doesn’t work.
Beautiful pup. Every dog needs a good and loving home. Good luck on getting your new forever home Colby.
Kristi McMurry
AHHHH I love his sweet little face. I hope he finds a home soon. How could anyone not just scoop that little guy up?!
Diana R.
Click on the New Leash on Life link. I was able to go to the site, and then clicked on another link there to see the pets for adoption. What a cutie pie!
Looks like a little more than beagle, may some coonhound.
He doesn’t look six months at all.. Too small! Are you sure he’s not younger??
such a cutie pie!
Somehow I think Colby is going to be adopted pretty quickly. <3