Every now and again my Mom brings me home one of those huge, meaty dinosaur bones from the pet store. I think they cost like a million dollars or something. It takes me a whole 15 minutes to eat it and I know it makes everyone really happy because when I’m done they keep asking me “where it went” and “Did I eat the whole thing?”, just like they say to one of our littles when he eats his whole dinner. I’m so lucky because my Mom said she is taking out stock in the dinosaur bone company so that means she’ll bring them home all the time!
Elizabeth Walsh Campbell
I have to take bones from my Weim because she’ll chew till her mouth bleeds… 😮
What a big beauty
Denise Weldon
Have you tried getting big knuckle bones from your butcher? They are usually free and take a lot longer to eat.
I had a Weimar growing up. Love them Great dogs
Dory Forman
I have a weim. I get bones from the butcher too. I would gladly pay a million dollars for them because for those 15 minutes i know he is not causing problems 🙂
I have a weim too, she also eats the whole thing with in 15 min. But in those 15 min I know she’s actually laying down and focused on something and not jumping on everything. He’s very beautiful!!
That’s it mom? 15 minutes?
Janet C
He is beautiful. I know all about the cost of dog treats and they are wonderful creatures and deserve them…….most of the time. This dog is innocent looking and I bet his mom will go shopping for more bones
yeah, the grocery stores in my area started charging for the bones, but cheaper then the pet stores.
There is nothing like giving your pet a treat that you know makes them happy! Your Weim. has a beautiful expression.