I peed on my mummy’s boyfriend’s neck, while he was sleeping. For some reason he did not thank me for this token of my love. (chloe) I probably did too (Ebba)
It is not entirely clear who was responsible for the peeing, chloe is the most likely culprit, although Ebba appears to be feeling a little guilty. chloe has no shame.
The guilty looking one isn’t always the culprit. I had one who would look guilty if she thought the other one had done something bad. I eventually figured out that if the other one was nowhere to be seen, he was the true guilty party.
Maybe your best friends are trying to tell you something!!
The look on Ebba’s face is priceless!
Oh too cute …wee accidents happen. Guess they were marking their territory 🙂
I think Ebba feels guilty because she put Chloe up to it, lol. Pee on the boyfriend, what are they going to do? You’re just a puppy.
One of my cats used to pee on my ex’s pillow. I should have listened to him!!!! He was right about her all along. he he he