While my girlfriend was out for drinks, I decided to leave Cooper, our 13 week old Boston Terrier puppy, in his play area while I went to play ping ping in the basement with a friend. I guess our couch was a tasty treat for that hour I left him… lesson learned. But how can we possibly get mad at that face?!
Pup says…I wanted to play ping pong too…..I guess I am not invited, so I shall have a snack
Leather furniture = big nice tasty chew toy.
A little brown shoe polish should help stain the chewed part to match the unchewed part.
Mariann Buonadonna
Welcome to puppy fatherhood! Babies love to chew. My doxie girl is just coming out of that phase at almost 2 yrs old. Thankfully she only chewed the corners of floor moldings. For a year my middle name was “Putty, Sand, Paint” Call a leather repair guy and buy a puppy sling. You’re going to be playing “doubles” for a while!
I LOVE the way they cock their heads like that. Sooooo darling!!!
Mine did the floor mouldings! The corner of the tv stand, book shelf and night tables…. Not only do they like leather…. They like real wood!!!
German Chocolate Betty
I agree with Beth above: a little brown shoe polish and who’d know the difference?? IN comparision with some of the destructo-doggies on this site, this is NUTHIN’!!!
(You might want to back that up with some of that sour apple spray that dogs hate the taste of, so chewing on the sofa doesn’t become a habit.)
German Chocolate Betty
Oh, yeah, and LOOOOVE that face!!
YES to the bitter apple! Mine was chewing on the edge of a sofa table but he’s not touched it in months since I sprayed it with the bitter apple. Get it at a pet store.
What a cutie! I miss our Boston so much. She lived to be almost 15. Boston’s want their humans to be with them 24/7 if possible. Does she snore and like to sleep under the covers?
Small clothing is a favored chew toy for our chihuahua/terrier mix. I just toss it. Exasperated? Yes. Mad? No. That adorable little face can get away with anything. The good news. Now that he’s out of puppyhood, he is doing it a lot less.
Had a GSD that liked chair rungs, kitchen cabinets and window sills. Miss him so much.
awwwwww what a cutie!!!
my cat does this (but with her claws) to my black leather couch. she and cooper would make good but destructive friends!
Romeo's Mommy
Oh my goodness… that widdle face is adorable!
So cute! My frenchie had a taste for wood and leather too. Sour apple spray didn’t bother her a bit (there’s the frenchie’s stubborness!). Thankfully, my mother in law gave me a bottle of “nice smelling” spray for the sheets and couches (aka poison)… It was the only thing that could keep her away of our precious belongings. So, if sour apple doesn’t work, I suggest you buy one of these. The alcohol in the perfume really disgusts them.
I think the evidence is clear this was your husband’s fault -he couldn’t have known better -that face could do no wrong
I have a Boston too. Just so you know, this is only the beginning. Our dog has eaten thousands of dollars worth of stuff. He didn’t slow down until he was four. My mother says Boston’s are enthusiastic about life. I think they are a little bit crazy.
My Boston LOVED Bitter Apple… Good luck, ours is 10 months and lets just say it’s a good thing they’re cute!