Escher HATES skateboards. Or rather, kids on them. Skateboard are actually fine. As are kids. But put a kid on one, and send him past Escher and he FLIPS out! today he popped his collar then knocked down a young boy riding a skateboard. No one was hurt, and Escher seemed very, VERY proud of himself for the rest of the walk.
bobbie Grumbling
Not the kids, not the skateboard…….. It’s the noise those wheels make…..
Escher is a very handsome dog.
Corgi's Rock
My corgi used to do the same thing to my son when he tried to ride his scooter. He was herding him. My son did not appreciate it. Your dog is very handsome.
I bet he barks at kids for being on his lawn!
My brother’s lab Murray does the same thing. Nicest dog in the world until he meets a guy on a skateboard. Then all of a sudden he’s Kujo.
the other ghost girl
he probably thinks it’s trying to carry him off or something