Cody likes stuffed animals and pillows, usually, but this time he sneaked into his “sister”‘s room and stole her doll only to chew off the hands! (They have since been kinda sorta fixed…)
“I chewed the hands off this expensive doll… and I’ll do it again if I get the chance!”
Well… The doll is scarey looking!!!
Agreed! It is a creepy-looking doll.
Dawn S
Okay, Cody’s sister must really love the doll and Cody must really love his sister. They typically like to chew what is heavily scented of their favorite humans. On the other hand (pun intended) I’m kind of with Leanna on this one…. Cody doesn’t look shamed, exactly…
Good job Cody! That’s one creepy looking doll! He was trying to save the humans!
maybe he thought the doll was holding two milk bones????
He was just trimming that baby doll’s nails.
Yeah, gotta go with the dog on this one. I think, *I* would have gouged it’s eyes out also.
When you’re a beautiful black Lab you can get away with anything!
Lainey Roberts
weeelllll poor cody, trying to save the baby from nightmares! AND WHAT DOES HE GET? PUBLIC RIDICULE!!
u go cody! me and Hannah (Besenji/Pitbull) are on ur side!
Cody deserves a medal. That doll is very creepy…
For one crazy moment I thought that was a real baby! Scream!
I’m on the dog’s side here. Creepy doll!