My dog, after 12 years together, let a MOUSE (my personal kryptonite) move into OUR BEDROOM!! Not even just the back yard or the garage…OUR BEDROOM!! And there were little brown pieces of evidence that it had slept in HER bed, too! GEEZ! She KNOWS mom is terrified of rodents…TRAITOR! Lol
but she’s too cute to stay mad!
Susan Bechhoefer
Can’t we all just get along?? Give peace a chance! 😀
Pinta's People
ROFL I know the type. Our girl has her own herd of wild cotton tails proliferating in the yard! And has been know to be pushed around by squirrels and baby kittens. Yes our cattle dog is a peacenik also.
My boxer watched a little mouse scurry by, turned her head and looked at me like, “mom, aren’t you going to do something about that?” Sigh. Such a protector.
I’m sorry but her bed looked so comfy and she didn’t seem to mind my small accidents :/
But that’s what cats are for! ;o)
My dad had a cat who was a ferociously good hunter outdoors, but when a chipmunk managed to move into the house surreptitiously, it ceased to be prey. One night my dad found the chipmunk sleeping in the cat’s dry food bowl…