Naughty Coco decided to chew through the cable of my TV, luckily it was unplugged at the time! She walked round with her teddy in her mouth and her ears down in shame for about an hour afterwards. Can’t stay cross with her for long though, bless her 🙂
Awwweeee didn’t mean to Mama. I had a pup chew the cords to my printer, wifi and computer. More than once, no matter how I tucked them behind the boxed table!
Aw, that face says it all.
So cute, looks just like my pup. My friend uses a Tabasco and water mixture sprayed onto a paper towel and rubbed onto cords to deter his pets. I imagine straight jalapeno would work too.
I had a lab mix that we tried that with, no success. We tried the over the counter stuff, jalapenos, tabassco, everything we could think of to stop her from chewing nothing worked. She finally outgrew the chewing stage.
awwww bless her heart! she is sorry 🙂
Awwwww what a cutie!!! She knows very well how to melt your heart! 😀
Awww!!!! Poor baby!!!! I want to hug her : ) Granted, if she were mine, and that was my cable cord, I might not be so loving right away : )