Turns out skunks don’t hibernate in Colorado. Atlas had the time of his life, as he just got a 1.5 hour long bath (don’t let this picture fool you). All I can do at this point is laugh…and make my dog a star on dog shaming!
P.S. Special shoutout to my cousins who actually had the recipe for the deskunking solution in their cookbook!
NAW! poor guy! I guess he’s kinda learnt his lesson?
Julie Blake
Poor fellow – sure looks pitiful!
So cute 🙂 Do you have the recipe for deskunking at hand?
German Chocolate Betty
My brother’s dog never did learn its lesson — it kept going back for more again, and again, and again. My brother had to chase the skunk away, ’cause the dog was tooooo dumb (pre-dog-shaming days!).
My black lab mix has been skunked 7 times in 3 years. She just can’t resist chasing those strange kitties!
My guy got skunked at midnight. We didn’t have any de-skunking recipes. We used the good ole Arm & Hammer baking soda and shampoo. It worked, the baking soda absorbed most of the spray. In the morningg he got the full bath with a de-skunker shampoo. He too was very proud of almost catching a skunk, me not so much.
I can’t remember the proportions but the de-skunking mix we used was baking soda, peroxide and Dawn dish soap. It worked pretty good, especially followed by Petco’s de-skunking treatment usually the next day.
When your dog gets skunked, try to only wash the parts that got sprayed. If you get the whole dog wet, you risk spreading the smelly skunky oils over the parts that were not already stinky.