This is Zuri. She loves to chew the toys so her brother can’t have it back. This was one toy. Now it is 13. She is a turd. I gave it to him about 18 hours ago…..
Love your Aunty Ashleigh
This is Zuri. She loves to chew the toys so her brother can’t have it back. This was one toy. Now it is 13. She is a turd. I gave it to him about 18 hours ago…..
Love your Aunty Ashleigh
Amy Brooks
Love his teeth! What a cutie.
Love the pic!
Geek Goddess
All ur toys are belong to us!
What’s up with those vampire teeth? 😀
Zuri, you are a major jerk….but you are a very cute jerk!
What an adorable underbite! I couldn’t stay mad!
Those teeth are awesome!
Karen McCreary
Those are the best teeth ever!